Tao of Gabe (Lachlan Review): On Conception Day 2005

Gabe the Revolutionary Beaver here at the Lachlan Review (or as I call it, the ‘View) with a review of Conception Day 2005.

It seems that every year Conception Days and first years get smaller. Though this year, our day was particularly fun because we didn’t have to see any new and interesting people. That is, of course, unless those sly devils managed to sneak in with the “SAM Card” that the good people at SAM made us get (it’s very useful for insignificant discounts in all of the many locations convenient located entirely within the SAM building).

In any case, the day started off somewhat slow, and there were at least three DJs that didn’t play to any audience whatsoever, but as soon as everyone woke up (about two, two thirty) the place began to fill like parking spots during final exams.

Now, a typical review of a day would tell you which musicians were danceable and which ones made your ears bleed. Unfortunately, since a musician’s level of suck was directly and inversely proportionate to my distance from them, I can only review the good portions of the day.

That reminds me. Who here can’t get enough Béóncé? I know I can’t. I like her so much, I’ve even looked up how she spells her name and accented it correctly (the other two are smudges, ignore them). I even went back to the indoor DJ stages time and time again and was shocked and aroused by the fact that they kept playing her latest song (the one with the music) over and over again.

And over and over again.

Damn, now I have that blasted song in my head.

But aside from that, rain, and the splendid and terrible music (You would have said ‘terrible and splendid music.’ It’s the curse of the music critic: I like whatever groups you don’t), Conception Day was great. There were even a couple of people in skin-tight outfits, a phunky guy in a cape, and myself: a meter-high walking, talking beaver. You didn’t see me? Oh, that’s fine; we probably overlooked each other.

Gabe D. Beaver

“Remember Kids! The Lachlan Review, now with humour too (while supplies last, not available with any other offers, limit one per customer per day, for a limited time only, please see dealer for more details).”

Gabe the Revolutionary Beaver here at the Lachlan Review (or as I call it, the ‘View) with a review of Conception Day 2005. It seems that every year Conception Days and first years get smaller. Though this year, our day was particularly fun because we didn’t have to see any new and interesting people. That…