Testing, Testing, 7-8-9

snarkage:/crazy-ass anecdote:/administrative business:/advocacy:/thought experiment:/seriously now:/projekts:/history lesson:/non-sequitur:/off the wire:/off the cuff:/dummy’s guide:/pixatic method:/top 30:/rat race:/goodie grab bag:/a pixelated mind:/nabµf:/note to self:/pixelated gaming:/random intelligence:/character profile:/

[span class=”posthidden” id=”[$BlogItemNumber$]0010″]

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[a xhref=”javascript:expandcollapse(‘[$BlogItemNumber$]0010’)” ]It Goes On Like This..[/a]

snarkage:/crazy-ass anecdote:/administrative business:/advocacy:/thought experiment:/seriously now:/projekts:/history lesson:/non-sequitur:/off the wire:/off the cuff:/dummy’s guide:/pixatic method:/top 30:/rat race:/goodie grab bag:/a pixelated mind:/nabµf:/note to self:/pixelated gaming:/random intelligence:/character profile:/ [span class=”posthidden” id=”[$BlogItemNumber$]0010″] (51, 51, 51) (51, 51, 102) (51, 51, 153) (51, 255, 51) (51, 255, 102) (51, 255, 153) (102, 153, 51) (102, 153, 153) (102, 255, 51) (102, 255,…