Month: December 2005

..soon they all came to realize that there was a definite method to his madness… and that his madness was methodical..

This is part of the “So you want to be a sociopath” series of pixelated gaming: “Mean juxtaposition:” Combine two extreme opposites in a list in the hopes that the person you’re talking to (preferrably on IM) will respond to the first and expected last as one… only to realize too late that they were…

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Pixels make better comics

Quoth the Sethular: “atheists produce better humor than theists” At some point in the not-too-distant past, I would say that I agreed with this. I argued that half of what is funny is irreverence towards what others deem to be reverent. How can one be funny if one still maintains this reverence? But then when…

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Bye bye Lappy 2’s upgrades…

Ouch. And I’m $6k in the hole again. Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 10:29:58 -0500 From: Samantha Gross To: Cc: Dawn Koban , Study Abroad Subject: PAST DUES ISEP DIRECT SM1 2005-2006 Dear Pixel, Please find attached the past due invoice for your ISEP Direct Program balance. This amount is over 4 months past…

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Goodie Grab Bag IX

2: I try to make people regret talking to me sometimes. 1: Yeah, I can tell. 2: Wait… I’ve never done that to you. Have you ever read something that was meant to be funny but wasn’t? 3: Have you ever cheated on me? 1: That depends on your definition of ‘on.’ If I had…

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Random Intelligence I

I have decided to create a new game/series. This one is called “Random Intelligence.” The point is for me to provide you with five to ten new (to me) facts, figures, or stories. These need not be particularly rare, important, or obvious, but interesting and true. The goal is to cover the huge gulf that…

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Tao of Gabe: On Finals Dreaming…

Gabe the Gorgeous Beaver is finally done with his final exams. And now all I have to do is wait for the results that will tell me whether my beaver papillomavirus (BPV) is still malignant. Failed pick-up lines: “Quick! Let’s do it while it’s in recession.” You , too, have probably dealt with finals (and…

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