Alethea and Drew (at least) don’t like anonymous posts. I happen to love them. My argument is thus:
- If you can simply type in your name instead of remaining anonymous and you choose to still remain anonymous, then you are either stupid or plan on saying something that you’d prefer other people not know you said (A / B –> C / D).
- If you are stupid or plan on saying something that you’d prefer other people not know you said, then I don’t care if I offend you or respond to you in such a way as to create negative dessert because I feel as if you are either not real or simply a general response of the planet (C / D –> E).
- You can simply type in your name instead of remaining anonymous (Blogger’s new comments policy) and you choose to still remain anonymous (stipulation for all anonymous contributors. A / B).
- So, I don’t care if I offend you or respond to you in such a way as to create negative dessert because I feel as if you are either not real or simply a general response of the planet (1, 2, 3, MMP).
I see anonymous comments as if they were people tagging on my wall: I didn’t see who did it and I don’t care what they think of me. So I can go back and viciously insult their positions or arguments without feeling bad.
Also, it says something if people remain anonymous. Specifically, it says, “I’m ashamed of my position, please insult it.”
I’m just kidding. It says, “This is one possible response that the world will have to this, Pixel. You should reply.”
And I do. Any questions?