As a somewhat, but not really, offendable person, I am somewhat, but not really, offended by this post. Not only does Drew not laugh at my post as it exposes the sexuality of famous people, but he also implies that it was tasteless.This is Pixelation Q. Styx reporting from the blogocube,
Thank you and peace out.(Knowing Drew, he most likely already realizes that I just felt typing “gay, bisexual, or lesbian” would be too hard to understand, laughter was my response to how bad of a situation this would be, and that any sign of derision on my part does not stem from hatred so much as insensitivity and the belief that laughter is the strongest defense to any insensitive attack. Watch: Why couldn’t Helen Keller drive? Because she was a woman!)
Thank you and peace out.(Knowing Drew, he most likely already realizes that I just felt typing “gay, bisexual, or lesbian” would be too hard to understand, laughter was my response to how bad of a situation this would be, and that any sign of derision on my part does not stem from hatred so much as insensitivity and the belief that laughter is the strongest defense to any insensitive attack. Watch: Why couldn’t Helen Keller drive? Because she was a woman!)