Rated G

Midpost Regret

There’s a condition afflicting bloggers the world over known as Meditabellae desiderium or ‘Midpost Regret.’

Midpost regret occurs when a writer has started writing or nearly finished writing a post and realizes that their post was:

a) poorly thought out.
b) poorly executed.
c) inappropriate or uninteresting.
d) required a different emotion/state of consciousness/timeline
e) “I feel like having pumpkin pie”
f) all of the above.

It happens to the best of us. How often have we all started saying or writing something before we realized that the idea only seemed brilliant when it was formed in a half-conscious stupor?

Frequent commenter Alethea B tells a story of writing a post and looking up a picture of the Weinerschnitzel mascot (if you don’t know who he is, he’s a fleeing hot dog called “The Delicious One”). Alethea was placing the image in her blog when Midpost Regret descended upon her. “What the hell??” she said out loud and deleted the post, glad that nobody would ever know she had thought that was a good idea. 😉

When Midpost Regret occurs, there are only three possible reactions:

  1. Ignore it and finish the post.
  2. Have what is known as a Midpost Crisis and delete the post.
  3. Save the post as a draft in the hope that you might successfully finish it in the future.

Currently, I have 10 drafts which will eventually (I hope) turn into wonderful posts. They are: “I hate Texas,” “All political systems tend toward two parties,” “Debates between theists and atheists always favor atheists,” “Road Tripped,” Untitled Post #758, “External Obligations to the Internal World,” “A Pixelated Survey,” “I’m so funny!!,” “Dear Pixel, age 10” and “:sad:”

If you ask really nicely, I might dust one of those off and finish it.

Scientists are still looking for a cure for Midpost Regret. But in the meantime, please think before you post.

(In the spirit of irony, I spent half the post looking for a picture of “The Delicious One” and the other half wondering whether this was a good idea or not.)

There’s a condition afflicting bloggers the world over known as Meditabellae desiderium or ‘Midpost Regret.’ Midpost regret occurs when a writer has started writing or nearly finished writing a post and realizes that their post was: a) poorly thought out. b) poorly executed. c) inappropriate or uninteresting. d) required a different emotion/state of consciousness/timeline e)…