Month: October 2007

Why the Brontë sisters carried a rape whistle

I was recently asked, in a culturally infectious transmission of information (a meme), which literary characters I’d make out with if I could. Since hot female leads are usually not the reason I choose books, this list was tough, but I got through it, so here goes: Lenore from The Raven. Hey, I know she…

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What’s a little labeling to you?

There are two types of labels that people use to describe themselves: accidental and essential properties (footnote to Aristotle*). I find these fascinating as I peruse ‘about me’ profiles throughout the Internet. The perceived essential properties always jump out at me, because these are the things that people think are really important about them. I…

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What’s a little questioning between friends?

This post continues an idea from yesterday’s post. When I was a kid I was always bad at Truth or Dare. It wasn’t because I didn’t want to share things about myself and it wasn’t because I was afraid of doing silly/stupid/dangerous/embarrassing things. No, I was bad at Truth or Dare because I never wanted…

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What’s a little labeling between enemies?

I have an avid interest in labels. I find it interesting to see what words people choose to call each other. I think it defines the person saying it more than the person they’re saying it about. For instance, a ‘friend’ of mine recently called a girl he knows a ‘ho.’ If you didn’t know…

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How old are you, really?

If age is a mental state, then years don’t tell you how old a person is. Luckily, language is an expression of thought and thought is a reflection of mental state. So you can usually tell how old someone is on the inside; when someone is an ‘old soul’ or ‘never grew up,’ so to…

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Selfish reasons to be environmental

In trying to be an innovator (rather than simply an early adopter), I like to keep my ears open about all sorts of cool things. Especially when these things solve problems you otherwise would have to live with. These are three. 1. Getting rid of junk mail from Green Dime: Shocking facts about everyday waste…

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