To qualify as a recipient of this letter, you must comment on this post

Did you know there’s a commenting challenge going on for NaBloPoMo? There is, I know because a Final Fantasy VII character told me so. Not being one to trust RPG characters (I still haven’t forgiven Aeris for changing her name posthumously to Aerith), I also double-checked this with the NaBloFo’Sho Web site.Wow, I figured. What a great time to suck up to readers.

Today, I am thankful for… YOU!!

Dear Commenters of the World,

I know you were Time magazine’s person of the year last year, ((My bet’s on Al Gore for this year, what do you think? Remember, the award goes to whomever’s had the greatest effect on the news, not who’s the most like Robin Williams in the movie Man of the Year.)) so the fact that you would take the time out of your day to visit my Web site means a lot. There are so many things you should be doing instead of reading this. You could probably be feeding your children, staring into space wondering whether anybody loves you, ((I do… but I’m not in love with you)) or having a pole-vaulting competition with your friends. All of these things could arguably be considered more productive than reading my blog. But you don’t do them. ((At least not during the moments when you’re reading my blog.)) And that means a lot to me.

However, to be a good commenter, you not only have to read a blog post, you also have to respond to the blog post. And that’s what makes you special. That’s what makes this a mostly one-sided conversation and not a sad, self-centered, solipsistic soliloquy. ((I’ve already said this three times fast. Have YOU?)) Some day I hope to be part of a group blog, but until then, and until I have real friends, ((And no, I don’t consider Pinocchio a ‘real’ friend.)) I’m glad I have you.

I’m not saying I wouldn’t keep writing if nobody were reading, ((see: all archives)) but it’s always nice to have people enjoy what you write. When I get my lappy back and can access the Internet more readily, I’ll catch up on all your blog posts and e-mails that I’ve missed. Until then, thanks so much for stopping by. I really appreciate it. Really.

Pixel Q. Styx

p.s. Lappy update: I left my lappy with some very nice techies that charged me an arm and a leg ($173) for their time. The consensus: “we haven’t had enough time to look at your laptop, try calling back more than two hours after you drop it off.” Pfft! Slackers.

Did you know there’s a commenting challenge going on for NaBloPoMo? There is, I know because a Final Fantasy VII character told me so. Not being one to trust RPG characters (I still haven’t forgiven Aeris for changing her name posthumously to Aerith), I also double-checked this with the NaBloFo’Sho Web site.Wow, I figured. What…


  1. Really? You don’t consider Pinocchio a real friend? Sad. Remember that one time that the wooden puppet turned into Jonathan Taylor Thomas? You don’t? I have the proof on New Line Cinema VHS. It was a good time. Almost as good as the time a ghost turned into Devon Sawa. But not quite.

  2. I have no idea why people would subject themselves to that, when it’s all I can do not to lose my mind keeping up with everyone, not to mention coming up with shit to post. You’d think coming up with shit is easy, but no, apparently shit’s been elevated to an art form since I’ve been away. I miss the quiet weekends on blogland. Hee. I just realized I said shit three times. Oh, make that four. This is the longest comment known to man. That is all.