Figure out the answer to any one mystery

Here’s a question: If you could figure out the definite, true answer to any one mystery of anything, what would you choose?

Here are some sample mysteries:

  • Did Bigfoot eat the Lindbergh baby?
  • Did aliens illegally immigrate to the United States via Roswell, N.M. in 1947?
  • What made the Mona Lisa smile?
  • Did the Mothman father the Chupacabra?
  • What sort of arch-support did Spring-heeled Jack have?
  • What are the names, stories and cup sizes of every serial killer in history?
  • Once and for all: Boxers or briefs?
  • Who would win in a fight: Jesus or Mohammad?
    Round two: Moses or Buddha?
  • Was Homo floresiensis a metrosexual elf? Bonus: did he and Lucy have it going on?

What would you choose? I’m going to go with my New Mexican roots and choose the Roswell crash, even though the possibility of the really tiny human-like Ebu Gogo fills me with joy I cannot explain.


  1. for six years i lived in roswell and not once saw a damn alien!! i’m pissed. but i did see a lot of Ebu Gogo, if by that you are using the meaning “grandmother who eats anything.”

  2. I find serial killers fascinating! Is that weird? Especially the ones who killed before the age of modern media. The ones who did it not for the attention, but because they were just that insane. Not that modern serial killers are all together there, but there’s something about the media circus surrounding death today that makes it more alluring, I think, to the killers. Now, the ones in the 1800’s who put strychnine in the well, or chopped up their families with axes while they slept, they did that just for the fun of it. How fascinating is that?!

    Yeah, I am disturbed. But, hey, you asked!

  3. I am interested in the Mona Lisa mystery.

    As for my alphabet soup grad schools – those are the 7 that I am currently applying to. However, regarding the names and locations, I prefer to keep that a little anonymous, if only to cover my own ass in terms of privacy.

  4. Oh really…that’s intriguing. But pray tell, for what field? If anything, I can say Japanese history.

  5. I’m going to study philosophy. Hopefully game theory, ethics, the evolution of morals, and the philosophy of biology… they tie in more than you’d think. But Japanese sounds fun. I wish you the best of luck with that.

  6. seeing as how I live in the northwest now I guess Im going to try and answer the bigfoot question, Ill have it in two weeks! oh and aliens in Roswell possible but really they probably just took a wrong turn at albuquerque. LOL !

  7. That is awesome that you mentioned the chupacabra! We’ve been debating at work whether the creatures exist. I women in east Texas found a strange dead dog-like creature on her property and sent in a DNA sample to determine if it is, in fact, a chupacabra.

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