I’m staying in my friend Sandy’s house for the week. I met her roommate two hours ago. Soon after I met her boyfriend Matt.
They’re having sex right now. They’re trying to be quiet, but as you can see from this map,
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| Them | . . Me |
(No, the walls really are that thin), they can’t possibly be that quiet.
I don’t know how I should feel about this, but most importantly, I don’t know how to act about it when they come out of the bedroom.
I’m thinking I’m going to pretend to be asleep. . .
. . .
Oh, crap! I think they finished. (That was quick.) I’m going to plug in my ear pieces and pretend I’m listening to music.
I just thought I’d publish this event in the most public place I could think of since they were trying to be so quiet about it.
Mental note: nobody is ever as quiet as they think they are.