Month: January 2008

I’m incredible, arrogant, and deluded, but not for the reasons you argue

Dear Anonymous, Wow, I haven’t had an anonymous comment in a while. I’d actually grown to miss them! And I’m not even being facetious. I like anonymous comments. I even argued for them here. Anyway, here’s the comment. I’ve split it up to respond to each part. Forgive my sounding like a jerk, please, but…

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100 Questions Everyone Should be Able to Answer

My friend Kyle asked me yesterday whether the Romans had conquered the Greeks or vice-versa. ((Neither, really.)) He also asked who’d conquered the winner. ((The Irish)) In response, I’d like to create a list of questions whose answer everyone should know. Please don’t be embarrassed if you don’t know the answer to one or two…

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I, Rule (part IV)

(Please note that as Sim Pixelonia’s leaders grow and learn. Here is part I, here is part II, and here is part III) Welcome back to Sim Pixelonia. Today we will continue our discussion on the economy and move on to government and foreign policy. Pixelonia has a mandatory maximum wage. There is no minimum…

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1 Comment

Dear Pixel, age 22,

Hey… you! I have just received your letter and was rather confused by the advice. You told me to ignore grades and make friends, but I took that to be a typo. Surely you wanted me to ignore friends and make grades, right? Your letter seemed to think what I do with my life will…

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Ideas for bad movie sequels

Brady Bunch 3: The bitter, bitter divorce The Unusual Suspects Big Trouble in Moderately Sized China Ei8ht The Sixth Element The Y-Files Men In White The Good, the Bad, and the Nice Personalities, but Otherwise Unattractive Apollo 14: Apollo Harder Face/On The Lunch Club Mr. Smith Goes to Jail for Accepting Bribes Daily Happenings on…

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Here’s another idea!

In the United States, they are presently raising the minimum wage. The problem with this is that it’ll simply drive inflation up, thus hurting the people at the bottom even worse. I have a better idea: What if, instead of a minimum wage, there were a maximum wage? What if the highest paid person in…

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