Month: January 2008

The Race Card

I’ve been thinking about race a lot recently. Mostly it’s been in the form of “I hope grad schools have a quota, I hope grad schools have a quota, I hope grad schools have a quota.” But I’ve also worried about the deeper implications of getting accepted over another, equally qualified person solely on the…

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Here’s an idea!

Some people ((Libertarians)) have already proposed a ‘none of the above’ option when voting. Some ((Third parties)) have proposed a tiered voting system which would work sort of like a caucus. I have a better idea! How about voting against a person? I mean, a lot of people do this anyway by voting for their…

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Would you tell anyone if you won the lottery?

… this post was deleted by Flock’s insistence on opening all my previous tabs and WordPress’ autosave feature As best as I can remember, I talked about how the question was too positive for my liking. It reminded me of the Newcomb paradox, which is a paradox where either choice you make gives you a…

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Meet the Pixel

Asking myself the questions I’m too scared to ask myself. Questioner Pixel Q. Styx: First of all I’d like to welcome you and thank you for agreeing to this interview. Answerer Pixel Q. Styx: It’s my pleasure, I’m a huge fan of yours, Carlos. Pixel: … It’s ‘Pixel.’ Styx: Yes, yes it is. Pixel: No,…

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It’s funny because it’s happening to somebody else

I like ethics. It’s what I study while I should be working as a bookie. But, for a guy who studies ethics for fun and profit, you might be surprised to find that I have a few ethical pickles of my own. Here’s three: The Other Girl I know a couple, let’s call them Hubert…

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I’m moving

My blog header has been confusing me for a while. See, I live in New Mexico (Map included for your convenience). So it makes sense that the “A” in “A Pixelated Mind” is in its own mountain: the most famous mountain my college owned was called “A” Mountain and had an A on it. ((Yes,…

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