Month: January 2008

I’ve decided to disclose

In the interest of full disclosure, as I imagine this Web site encourages me to do, I’ve decided to reveal all funding and endorsements that might cloud my judgment when writing. Here’s an example: We all know I’m in the pocket of Big Pixel, but did you know I once had a fling with Big…

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Dear world, I have now finished my graduate school applications. I suppose suicide would be inappropriate now, so I’ll just go on a murderous, celebratory rampage. Yee-ha! Related posts: Manifesto A spectre is haunting me — the spectre of myself as I ought to be. All the powers of old have entered into a holy…

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Why I’m an asshole

My whole Blog 365 strategy of writing posts ahead of time has made me be consistently one day late on all the blogosphere happenings. No worries. I’ll just add it to my list. A meme gakked from The Collective: I hate tipping. It bothers me that it’s expected. In general, I just avoid restaurants because…

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Run D:/Lurk.exe

This week is Delurk week… apparently. I’m not entirely sure what that means. I sort of know most of the people who access my blog, but I guess there could be some surprises. Especially because the people who access this via feed don’t register on my Google Analytics. So, how about it? Would everyone care…

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Which grade did you skip again?

I was never taught my multiplication tables. I know them now, but I only learned them by noticing patterns in later math classes. The reason I never learned the tables is that I skipped the grade where everyone learned them: fourth grade. I always consider fourth grade to be the ideal grade to skip. People…

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Current Events

As my post for today, I’ve decided to be a bit riské and talk about politics and current events. As you all know, this is a very powerful time in the world today. Apart from the craziness going on in Pakistan, Kenya, and the presidential race, we also have the continuous problems in Iraq, global…

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