Month: January 2008

10 Things I Wish Would Happen

Memed from Climbing on the Words: I’d get accepted to Madison, Duke, Minnesota, or Bloomington… hopefully all of the above. My paper would get accepted to a conference. The writers of House, Heroes, the Daily Show, the Colbert Report, and Kyle XY would become scabs in the writer’s strike and continue the season. Only non-real…

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All Hail Patient Joseph, the Step Father of Jesus

You guys have no idea how lucky you are that we made it past the entire Christmas season without my making fun of the Virgin Mary once! Ever since this post, I’ve been incensed by the whole “Virgin” Mary concept. It’s actually caused some heated arguments between my friends and I. See, I think that…

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I’ve seen the same meme three times now. So… why not?

In 2007… … I started some serious long-term projects. I’d done personal projects before, but I’d never gotten to the point of actually producing results. Other things I did that I’d never done before includes one thing that’s illegal in the United States (seriously). I’d tell you what it is, but I’d rather take it…

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A very Charlie Brown question

Despite my best efforts, I am not a woman. As such, I often have questions for men who are women… maybe women who are women can answer too. What type of regrets do women have? I’ll illustrate this question with a Charlie Brown example. See, Charlie Brown was very enamored of the little red-headed girl,…

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I knew it! You had the good old days in your pocket all along!

My tentative prediction for the nominations:  Obama/Bloomberg or Biden  McCain/Bloomberg or Lieberman Related posts: Pocket PC on the Fritz It’s official. My pocket PC is dead. It had made it so long, too.. If only I’d cared for it more.. if only it were compatible with my laptop.. if only, if only.. Let’s have… I…

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What ever happened to the good old days? Did you steal them?

My prediction for the Iowa Caucuses ((To be Updated When Proven Wrong)) Democrats Barack Obama (37.36%) John Edwards (30%) Hillary Clinton (29.45%) Joe Biden (1%) Bill Richardson (2.13%) Dennis Kucinich (0%) Chris Dodd (0.02%) Republicans Mike Huckabee (34%) Mitt Romney (25%) Ron Paul (10%) John McCain (13%) Fred Thompson (14%) Rudy Guiliani (4%) Undecided (1%)…

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