Month: February 2008

The Ballad of the Legendary Tale of Sordon Gpurgeon, pt. 4 of 4

Gordon called me once, a few years after he’d left New Mexico. He said he was in the area and that we should hang out. I agreed, but neither of us took the initiative and nothing ever came of it. A few months ago, I decided I was going to move up to Seattle, Washington.…

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The Tale of Sordon Gpurgeon (part 3 of 4)

As promised, our story begins when Gordon and I are friends and we spend much of freshman year together… but first, a word about my first girlfriend. ((*Shudder*)) Over the summer, I developed a crush on a girl, Crystle, and asked her out. She rejected me, but I got over it. When school started up…

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The Legend of Sordon Gpurgeon (part 2 of 4)

Sordon Gpurgeon was an interesting kid. I have vague recollections of him from as early as sixth grade, and am reasonably sure he was in one of my seventh grade classes, but I always knew who he was nonetheless. Gordon was a legend in our school. To illustrate, let me give you my friend Frank’s…

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The Ballad of Sordon Gpurgeon (part 1 of 4)

A long time ago, back when I cried every time someone shattered a beer bottle on my bottom lip, some angry white people came to my house. It was an old redneck and some blond, white kids that were about my age. My brother and I were in the kitchen, twiddling our thumbs like good…

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I’m trying to think of something offensive and yet funny, but I can’t seem to get them to mix in the exact formula that has made my blog so famous: ((My blog is not famous)) Ingredients: One part taboo One part unexpected A dash of hilarity A sprinkle of absurdity One literal interpretation One part…

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Welcome to Casa de Pixel

Okay, so not really. It’s actually Casa de Judy ((House of Judy)), but she lets me stay here for $650 a month. So it’s really Cuarto de Pixel. ((Room of Pixel)) But at least it has Muebles de Pixel. ((Furniture: for that first-world feeling)) These pics are all taken from the posting which led me…

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