I can't read this!

Oh, yeah, and I’m presenting at a conference this week

34.  I did not get drunk until I was 20.  And to this day, I’ve probably only gotten tipsy a dozen times or so.

Wow, aside from getting into two good grad schools, I was also accepted at a conference.  I just forgot to say anything about it before because I was too busy posting transcripts of text messages between myself and a 14-year-old girl. (Oh, update: she called me yesterday.  I hung up as soon as I figured out who she was.  Friggin’ weird.)

So, if you’re in the borderland (you’re not), ((but if you are)) check out Ray Room 309 E in the University of Texas at El Paso at 9 a.m. this Saturday.  Updates to come later, but first I need to make a powerpoint presentation with sound effects.


34.  I did not get drunk until I was 20.  And to this day, I’ve probably only gotten tipsy a dozen times or so. Wow, aside from getting into two good grad schools, I was also accepted at a conference.  I just forgot to say anything about it before because I was too busy posting…