why i blog — Pixelated Mind edition

(gakked from Ashley)

I have thoughts.  I need a place to store them so that I don’t forget them.  You have eyes + time.  You want to read thoughts and be entertained and maybebe intrigued.  Me + U = Magicks.

That’s all there is to it.  When I don’t blog, I feel like I’m living in a permanent zombie state, where nothing I’m experiencing is really happening.  Yes, I know that sounds weird, but nothing feels as ephemeral (even if is still awesome) as just hanging out with my friends and doing my job.  It’s just the same thing ad infinitum.  With text, however… there’s a sense of permanence that doesn’t let things blend into each other.  At least in my own twisted mind.  A girl with a misspelled last name once said:

“Nothing has really happened until it has been recorded.”

—Virginia Woolf

And…  and that’s just it.  Plus: jokes.  Jokes just plain suck if nobody laughs.  I mean, just look at my birth!

(gakked from Ashley) I have thoughts.  I need a place to store them so that I don’t forget them.  You have eyes + time.  You want to read thoughts and be entertained and maybebe intrigued.  Me + U = Magicks. That’s all there is to it.  When I don’t blog, I feel like I’m living…