39. I learned to read when I was four because my mom was teaching my brother how to read and I wanted her to pay attention to me. Every time I hear that story, I’m astounded at how little has changed.
Since I started posting a fact about myself every day, I’ve stopped posting multiple times a day. Now I just post the once and, if any silly thoughts ever happen upon my head, I’m S.O.L.
Yesterday, I had a missed call from ‘Unknown’ and felt bad for hours because I started pretending Unknown was a real person and actually convinced myself of it. I was like “I don’t have unknown’s number and what if this was the only time she could call??” But… I couldn’t blog about it. Instead, god forgive me, I TWITTERED about it. I turned a whimsical aside into a 160 word status update! Have I no shame??
These things have occurred more and more often since that fateful day I needed a post to write and thought this would be a fun project.
I’ve also gotten in trouble or made fun of because of my ‘facts.’ Who doesn’t remember how awkward this one was? (You should see my friends when we go swimming!)
Also, since No. 19, I haven’t made jokes out of any of my facts. Apparently, people thought I was serious on that one when I was really just setting up a joke:
I have superior powers of reasoning, oratory, mathematics, and most everything else. But don’t worry: I only use my powers for good, evil, and to show off.
The last part was the joke. Get it?
Anyway, I’m not sure if I’ll try to change this up or just keep it going for the next 61 days or two months… (TWO MONTHS???) Two months.. 1 So if there are any particular factoids about myself you’d like to know, just leave a comment of some sort. I’ll eventually address it.
- Two months. [↩]
Hey Carolurs…remember that time we drank too many margaritas, drove off to Vegas and got married…? Yeah…I can’t either…
How about the factoid concerning you making stuff up to see if people would catch you eh?
I just wanted to see if this thing really knew I have Ubuntu or is just making shit up. Seriously.