The Oblique Guide for Movie Sequels

  • This time, make it personal
  • Increase the stakes: what if the whole world needs the hero now?
  • Bluff your way out of a plot by adding well-known actors
  • Bring back the bad guy. Have it be personal, this time.
  • If it was based on a book: check to see if there is a sequel you can destroy
  • Increase the time span
  • Show things only mentioned in the original
  • Introduce a brother, father, son, girlfriend, or friend
  • Have the characters meet up by accident many years later
  • Make the bad guys more powerful, perhaps misrepresent evolution in the process
  • Can former enemies unite in the face of a common foe?
  • Go back to how it all started
  • Think of intricate ways to get the cast back together: perhaps they angered someone in the original who will go through great lengths to get back at them all at once, thus ensuring an action-packed, if unbelievable sequel
  • Does any of the cast seem like it might be going through a major life event?  Perhaps puberty, coming back from college, or a heart attack might work.
  • Send the main character to Africa/Europe/Asia/South America/An Island/Space/Another Dimension!
  • Perhaps there was a hidden significance to some events in the original.
  • Joe Pesci

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