Things you should totally buy me for my birthday

The countdown is on.  And you didn’t get me anything last year.1  So here’s a good list of stuff I really want that I don’t currently have.

  • A metal Pica pole ruler.  Like this one.
  • Any of these books.
  • I also have another wish list here.
  • Cruelty-free shoes/clothes that don’t suck.
  • Comic-making materials, though the only things I can think of are rather expensive, although, if you can find an artist’s model that’s better than this one, I’d really like that.
  • A nice Chinese chess set or a nice set of Go stones.
  • Moleskines, specifically the plain pocket reporter or über-mini plain volant varieties. (I’ll eventually buy these in bulk.)
  • Soda pop.  I drink that like flavored, carbonated water.
  • I’m probably going to need a new backpack soon.
  • A mac-compatible mouse.  My last one was stolen a few months ago.
  • My friend Mayra always gets me awesome books that I hadn’t read before but should have.  You could ask how she does it.

🙂  Oh, who am I kidding, I’ve basically just made myself a shopping list for the next year.  I’ll totally be glad if you just remember when my birthday is.  If you need a hint, I’ve mentioned it before . . .

  1. I know, because even my parents didn’t get me anything… they didn’t even call.  🙁 []


  1. i think this is a very dumd list because kids dont want these kind of things they want perfect gifts and these sir or mam are not pefect gifts 😆 😥 😡 ❓ 👿 😕 😯

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