Many of these words started with “Sex and the City.” Others can be found on, a fashion and style newsletter Web site founded and edited by Dany Lavey. Make sure you’re not left out in the cold! Learn and memorize these chickspeak words, courtesy of Ms. Lavey:
- Baby blue: Viagra
- Biphonal: Holding multiple phones to your ears or in front of you at the same time.
- Blamestorming: A meeting whose sole purpose is to discuss why a deadline was missed or a project failed and who was responsible.
- Drailing: E-mailing when drunk; drunk e-mailing.
- E-mauling: Stalking someone via e-mail.
- Fatkins: Disciples of Atkins who have taken the “all the fat you can eat” idea to lunatic extremes.
- GU (pronounced “goo”): Acronym for geographically undesirable.
- Guyatus: A hiatus from guys.
- Helicopter: A significant other who finds it necessary to hover around his or her mate at all times.
- Intie: The intimacy flu. Usually occurs two to three weeks into a budding dating relationship. Symptoms include unreturned phone calls, “mistakenly” deleted e-mail messages, and sleeping on the far edge of the bed.
- Karat dangler: A woman who finds it of utmost importance to flaunt her engagement/wedding ring at all times.
- Lush flush: The rosy hue you get in your cheeks after a few too many glasses of wine.
- Mitin (pronounced “mitten”): Acronym/codespeak for “more information than I needed.”
- Mouse potato: The wired generation’s answer to the couch potato.
- Mousewife: A male housewife.
- Phone zit: The recurring chin zit that results from spending too much time on the phone.
- Reverse evolution princes: Men who at first seem to be princes but turn out to be frogs.
- Single woman’s sports pages: The New York Times’ wedding announcements.
- Spenny: Pricey; short for expensive.
- Stray: A heterosexual male who everyone secretly thinks is gay.
- Teenile: Used to describe someone who is way too old for what she is wearing.
- Yellular: The loudness you adopt in response to a bad cell phone connection, in the misguided hope that talking louder will improve the connection.
Intellectual property theft! Intellectual property theft! Intellectual property theft!! Thief! Thief! Thief!!
No, wait, definitions aren’t copyrighted, are they? Besides, there is no intent to sell or distribute (or ref. to original source because I got this third hand). Either way, saw it, liked it, couldn’t link to it, reprinted it. My bad.