Ind e-Pen # LII, if it were on time, it wouldn’t be kosher.

The Ind e-Pen

Oh, My! What a great day today is. I feel good for the first time since by brother came back home and he’s just packing his bags to leave right now… I think it’s a coincidence. But, either I had a Scrooge (McDuck, not Ebenezer) Christmas eve or I’m just glad it’s over. Still, thanks to everyone who called, wrote, or gave me money, specially Rachele, Tai, Maggie, Sam, Alethea, Sarah, Kassidy, Cassie, my mom, dad, brother, and sister…-in-law. Interestingly, that’s more people than remembered my birthday and waaaay more than people who called me on Festivus.

Le Fin.

Some time ago, we had this huge thread about politics that left Butt defending himself against an onslaught of intelligent people. As I recall, Butt was defending George W. Bush by saying that us liberals (and me, the ignorant slut) were exaggerating Bush’s possible damage to the world.
Furthermore, ‘Bush would have to be an idiot not to see [that 48% of the population didn’t vote for him,]’ so he would change accordingly.
I agree , after all, Bush was sooo middle of the road after 2000 when 51% of the population didn’t vote for him . But, like those wonderful satirists (Swift, Twain, Python, Trust…), I’ll just hit and run. No political discussions here. Nope. We wouldn’t want to offend the religious right…

… speaking of religious right…

How about that religion? Two weeks ago, I asked “Are there any moral absolutes?” Because I was wondering about morality and ethics. I was hoping it would get one or two people responding intelligently.
I received “yes. read the Bible.”

I still marvel at that answer. And not just because of the selective capitalization. I wonder about everyone’s beliefs in this book. Although, I admit that it isn’t just any book. It’s the first book to be mass produced and still the biggest seller… ever!

More than that, I wonder at the constant railing against scientific theory (specifically evolution) that some Christians engage in. Just check out this ‘members only’ link… oh, who am I kidding? No one is going to go.

Oh, well. The argument is as follows: Evolution is not a fact, it’s a theory. Religion has a cool belief that seems much simpler and desireable than evolution. Therefore, religion (or at least ‘Intelligent Design’) should get equal time in classrooms.

My response to this is, if one can think of a way to refute/test ‘intelligent design’ then it can be a theory, otherwise it is just a wish and does not belong in public schools.


My good friend, the mad hatter formerly known as Animal, gave an interesting and eloquent account of cultural relitivism. We CAN’T assume moral superiority like this, especially when other cultures could do the same with equal justification.

This, coincidentally, marks the first time Animal and I agree on anything since our arguments about prostitution of Asian minors. See, I thought that any prostitutes under 14 were morally reprehensible unless their parents consented and the kids understood what was happening. Animal thought that the entire practice was wrong. I figure that I’ll let him go on thinking that it’s wrong and eating meat, as long as he lets me eat tofu and buy some bed time with my favorite underage Asians. After all, live and let live, right?

My good friend Daniel also was headed in an interesting track. If the Bible is a source of moral guidance, how and why is it?


There are two possible answers:

1. All of the bible is true.
2. Not all of the bible is true.


1. If God wrote (or inspired men to write) the bible, and everything in it is true, then not only is homosexuality an abomination and an afront to god (Leviticus 19:22), but we should have slaves (19:20), we should not wear polyester (19:19), plus, Atkins is a mortal sin. After all, “The Lord said to Moses, ‘Tell the Israelites: You shall not eat the fat of any ox or sheep or goat (7:22-3).'” But it’s okay, after all, if you didn’t know, you could just “bring an unblemished she-goat (5:28)” and sacrifice it to be forgiven.

Defenses to this would no doubt attack Leviticus (thus shifting to position 2), or explain that it was out of context and/or that Since then, the Church (probably via the Pope) has changed.

2. If not ALL of the bible is true, then it is up to each of us to pick which parts we should believe and practice. But there are almost 2 BILLION people that believe in the bible. Each of these is likely to believe in one or more things that you don’t believe in, thus making one or more people wrong. But, then how can you trust yourself to be the one right person?

Defenses to this would suggest divine suggestion, a general consensus of the population, ‘that is the test,’ or determined by god’s omniscience.


Last week, I asked if human beings were inherently superior to other animals. I asked this purely to frame this week’s e-mail. It seems to me that if there is something that is ‘less’ than us somehow, then we feel no remorse in taking advantage of it. It’s an excellent justification for war (any war), for killing sentient beings, and for oppressing people. After all, it’s a lot easier to gas innocent Jews if you think they are less than you (trust me, I know. My grandfather died in a concentration camp; he fell off a watchtower).
Similarly, it’s been my opinion that the more people think that they are the center of the universe or that they are living in the end of days, the more likely they are to avoid environmental efforts. After all, what’s the point of saving the environment if it is here for us to rape and will be gone shortly anyway?

Logistically, it makes no more sense to believe in the bible than it does to believe in Harry Potter. At least Harry Potter is usually consistent.


I write this purely to prod people into answering, though I know that few people will read this, fewer will have an intelligent response, and almost nobody (with one or two exceptions) will reply. That’s cool. You don’t need me to refute the Bible. There are enough people out there already doing that.. Eh.

A Small Quiz:

1. Which is better, the “OC” or “Life as we know it?”
2. Anything be made into a question if you emphasize the right WORDS?
3. Relative to the cosmos, how special are you, your country, and your species (humans)?
4. Is this the end of days? Is the planet going to end in the next 7 years and 363 days?
5. Assuming 2005 happens, would you stay tuned to this bat-channel?


  1. It’s late… but I will still reply.
    1. I don’t know anything about either show, oh well.
    2. Yes?
    3. Interesting you ask. I was just pondering this the other night. Start off by thinking about yourself in relative size with first your car, then your house, community, state, country, earth, other planets, and the rest of the universe. You are but a spec of dust in the winds of time. Unless you have created the ability to wipe out solar systems at a time with some device, you will have don’t nothing to shake up anything in the cosmos. So you are special in no way. Now take the species (the country will fall under this same argument.) What do you think us humans as a whole mean to the cosmos?
    Absolutely nothing. The cosmos will keep doing what it has been doing for the past billions of years. We are indeed nothing but dust in the wind.
    4. While I can’t be sure, I really doubt that the planet will end in 8 years (Don’t bicker about days). I don’t doubt that it would be possible to kill all life on the planet with nuclear, biological, and other self-destructive means of lunacy. But if you suggest that some outside force will come and destroy us all… Nah. But like I said, I have no basis for this argument.
    5. Carlos, I will remain tuned. Where else can I talk with other educated people with a sense of humor?

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