Ind e-Pen # XLV, kakistocracies and dreams

The Ind e-Pen

Okay, so I’ve decided to leave the country. This has nothing to do with the kakistocracy we now live in (lie!), I just really wanted to go to Canada (I’d go to Mexico, but there’s too many American college students there), or perhaps down low with those nice australians.

kakistocracy – a society governed by its worst citizens (in this case: politicians).

Election Reaction


I’m sure you’re all tired of hearing about the election. Especially if your candidate lost (Badnarik. You voted for Badnarik, right?). So I’ll completely not discuss anything I have thought, seen, or read since the fateful day when 59 million votes gave Bush a “mandate…” and 56 million others did not. Instead, I’ll print this interesting dream a friend of mine had. I wonder if anyone else (Butt?) has had a comparable dream as of late.

I was in my government class taking an exam and in the middle of the exam my professor said quite clearly to the class, “Please, remember to write your swearing of allegiance to Mr. Bush.” I got this baffled look on my face and the teacher saw it. I raised my hand not but half-way into the air as he ushered himself over to me and inquired what was the matter.
I glanced upward at him and asked in a half-hushed tone, “What the fuck is this all about? “Swearing our allegiance to Mr. Bush”…?” He glanced about the room nervously, drawing my gaze to both the front and rear exit doors to the class in which stood stout men in black clothing, dark sunglasses and were out-fitted with ear-pieces. He leaned close to me and whispered hesitantly, “Please, do not speak in such wa–“. His sentence was unexpectedly cut short as the TV in the far right corner of the class had turned on. He scurried off to his desk as one of the men stationed at the doors made an irritated motion towards him.
My attention was driven from observing both the stout man and my professor as I heard music play from the corner. It was the kind of music you might hear for a victory march, pompous, extravagant and quite over-done. I gasped quietly to myself as I looked up at the TV.
There, on the out-dated screen was an image of the statue of liberty with a wondrous red and orange sunset behind it with President Bushes face very efficiently photoshopped onto the statue. Beside the statue, set very clearly from the warm background in dark blue text were the words, “All hail dictator Bush!”.
“‘Dictator Bush’?” I wondered to myself, “I know he won the election… but–What the hell is going on?” As if to answer my question the screen changed to show Bush in the oval office, nestled comfortably behind his desk with that familiar smug look on his face. My heart started racing, yet my mind was put at ease as I thought “Surely, this is just a joke.”
My creeping securities were shattered, though, as he opened his mouth to say, “Good morning, America! This is your dictator, George ‘Dubya’ Bush…” I stopped listening and shook my head in disbelief as I desperately attempted to convince myself that it was still a joke. Yet, as I was beginning to fool myself into thinking that it was… I saw that this was broadcasting over CNN.
So, obviously, we can all learn two things from this dream:

1) I’m not the fondest of Bush, though I accept the fact that he was rightfully elected (At least he was ‘Elected’ this time, anyway).
2) Dreams that are induced by having passed out from coming off of a sugar-high are… well… having read about my dream, you should know what I’m saying.

The Future


A Small Quiz:
We all lose. But I’ll toss a pix capacitor to Butt so that he’ll think he’s won.

This Week:
1: Do YOU have a dream?
2: Will little white girls and little colored girls one day play together?
3: Are you going to get assassinated?


  1. Carlos,

    Democrats need a reality check. You don’t need to be afraid of the future because Bush was re-elected. Honestly, what are you so afraid of?

    This Week:
    1: yes…..of genie
    2: yes…..its called interracial lesbian porn
    3: i would hope not, but i would like to be ass-inated if there is
    such a thing.

  2. I concur. Most Democrats need a ‘Reality check’. Thankfully, I’m not Democrat. Well, neither am I Republican. I like both ends of the spectrum in differing topics.

    Just because Bush was re-elected doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. Sure, if you want to take it in some round-about manner, it’s -close- to the end of the world as we know it (Referring to those that are finding grand parallels between the Bush Administration and George Orwells 1984). I still think that we are off by a long-shot, though.

    My main gripe with Bush’s administration is this ‘War’ on terrorism. Sure, it’s nice to strike back after having been hit so hard in such a dastardly way… but it seems to be going too far now. We are extending our military reach to the point where our forces are just a -lil’- spread out in such a way that it could very well prove to be un-safe for us to maintain such a military stance for too long. Which, with this ‘War on terrorism’, it very well seems that we’ll be standing this way for quite a while longer.

    My other gripe, in regards to Bush himself and/or his speech writers, is his diction. He’s said some rather… iffy things that could:

    1) Insult other countries.
    2) Put mild distrust into the US government. Not only with other countries, but within the populace of the US itself.

    All that… and I just plain ol’ don’t like the deficit. =(

    I liked it back when we at least had a balanced check book with Clinton. Those days will be missed but, hopefully, not for too long.

    Oh, yeah… and NCLB is a bitch. :Angry: >:[

    This Week:

    1: Yes, I dream. Mostly about running away from alien space-craft while riding a unicycle… but I have my exceptions, as everything in this world apparently does (Refers to dream that was posted by Carlos).

    2: Yes, they play together… one way or another, in porn or in childhood… I think. I guess. I hope?

    3: Damnit, I forgot the third question. Something about ass? Yes, I have one. It helps when sitting.

  3. Reality check?
    Fair enough. What will happen in the next four years? Possibly a continuation of the past four years. Right? Let’s watch:

    1) PATRIOT Act 2. Giving law enforcement officers (cops) more powers. Of course, if we do nothing wrong, we have nothing to worry about, right? (ref. slavery, communism, the holocaust, and the now defunct Iraqi government)

    2) A continued war in Iraq. To either a) get rid of the weapons of mass destruction, b) get the Iraqi people for cooperating with Osama Bin Laden, c) rescue the people from Iraq, d) eliminate ‘terror’ in favor of forced democracy, or e) clean up after ourselves.

    3) Continued lax enforcement of environmental regulations (+ drilling in the Alaskan National Wildlife Reserve, the Otero Mesa, and maybe a few other areas).

    4) Less jobs. Or maybe more. Who knows, perhaps it benefits companies to pay their workers more money just for being American.

    5) Privatized Social Security. Which means all of us that would have saved money anyway are safe, the rest
    are screwed.

    6) Crazy-ass deficits. Right now, $153.2 billion a year goes to pay the INTEREST on the national debt (6.76% of total tax money).

    7) More No Child Left Behind. But screw the kids. If they don’t learn what’s going to be on national tests, there’s no use having extra curricular activities.

    Okay, I dislike the Democrats as much if not moreso than Republicans. The Democratic ideals are grand, but they’ve left them in the wave of corporate support and in trying to appeal to the Repubs. Now it’s just Republican and Republican-lite. It’s sickening. But, heck, that’s just me. I’d like to hear the Republican counter-argument.

    So, how about it? If you voted for Bush, tell us why you did. Hopefully it won’t be limited to one issue (gay marriage, abortion, etc.) or invoke the tired ‘he represents my values.’ I’d like to hear a line-by-line argument for Bush if I may.

    Butt, you up for it?

    This Week:

    1: I dream like nobody’s business. You should see my dreams!
    2: No, colored girls and white girls should drink from separate fountains. Also, no interracial marriage. It’s an abomination explicitly forbidden by the bible (also, nobody should eat pork and women that cheat should be stoned to death)
    3: I hope my children assassinate me. Wouldn’t that be awesome?

    p.s. Yes, Rob should answer the questions, but I’m not going to be the one to tell him that. Go Free Speech!

  4. Carlos you ignorant slut,

    Here is my point. Even though most of you think that Bush is not up to par in the intelligence category, I would argue that he is at least smart enough to be aware of public opinion of him. I mean come on now, how can he not be? So all I’m saying is this: I can not fathom why Bush, in regards to the backlash of the Iraq war and criticisms (i can never spell that word) on his domestic policy, would ignore these things and not try to make them better. He has already set his agenda on what his goals are in his SECOND TERM WOOOO!, and they are geared very much toward domestic policy such as Social Security, education, and the economy. So I don’t know if you have ignored what he has said so far, but dont worry. I garuntee that you will feel no different in four years than you do now. So please, be calm and don’t panic.
    You’ll be fine.



  5. Hey uhhm, Carlos?

    Yeah, I myself did not vote for Bush but being in Kansas I can filter through a few reasons why Kansans (yet another reason for you to hate Kansas) voted for the Bush.

    * “I don’t like Kerry.”
    * “Kerry looks like Frankenstein.” (there are many quotes based on his looks)
    * Bush prays (he preys too)
    * “Who’s going to protect us from the terrorists?”
    * they happen to work for a business (small or otherwise)
    * they believe everyone wants to be like Americans or an American
    * imposing goverment on a country is FANTASTIC!

    Hopefully this might clear up some confusion. If not, make you even more confused-yey!

    Later days,


  6. Quite frankly I’m alittle frightened of what will happen in the next four years to come. I have a horrible image of america in an apocalypse like state. mutants forriging for what little resources we have left, maybe I should just get it over with and change residencies, but then again, it IS only for years and then he can never run again… wait what am i saying?! so much could happen in the next ten minutes let alone four fucking years! abandon ship! flee for your lives!!! Oh and I may be from Kansas, but I don’t admit that proudly, just know that not all of us here in this god forsaken state support that drunken bastard.

    1.) I had a dream I was trapped in Full House then the next night about zombies… No idea as to what that might be trying to tell me.

    2.) Will they be able to play together? Pregiduce is taught so maybe if people finally wake up and realize that people of different races are NOT in fact covered with plague. Or what ever the hell they believe then we can finally get on with life and join the rest of civilazation.

    3.) There’s always a chance someone will be assassinated, so sure I guess it could happen to me *laughs nervously and looks around the room a little paranoid*

  7. A Small Quiz:
    We all lose. But I’ll toss a pix capacitor to Butt so that he’ll think he’s won.
    This Week:
    1: Do YOU have a dream? I always dream! I just don’t always remember what it was about… 😕
    2: Will little white girls and little colored girls one day play together?
    In some places they do already, wait, does “colored” mean everything not white? So what about the children of the Blue Man Group? (and how do they reproduce anyway??)
    3: Are you going to get assassinated?
    I haven’t done anything…yet.

  8. Imposing government is not a good thing. It’s just like your parents trying to force you to eat your vegetables, but the vegetables are scolding hot.
    They may be good for you, but it hurts you until it’s the right time.

  9. carlos i love you!
    this email made me realize that im just a fuckign crazy liberal socialist…because i dont really fit under the democratic title either…lol. you go kiddo. matt isnt willing to listen to what i have to say about politics ever, dont be surprised if you dont get a good reposnse for this one too
    love and hugs
    steffy d

    ps….ive been doing good with the pix!

  10. Are you saying imposing your government on a defenseless
    people is a good thing in the long run?
    i totally agree.
    i mean, with 20/20 hindsight, we can all see what a great idea invading vietnam was

  11. Not at all. I’m saying imposing (emphasis on the word imposing) government on anybody isn’t good at all. Even if the government would help the country, it wouldn’t be good. I’ll quote Ghandi on this one. “No people exists that would not think itself happier even under its own government than it might really be under the good governance of an alien power.” So it’s still like trying to force kids to eat vegetables when they want to eat junk food, they raise hell until you give up or ground them. Even if the vegetables are still good for the kid, it’s still not helping the relationship between the enforcer and the kid. Understand?


  12. Dear Idiot,

    Of course its easy now to look back on Vietnam and see it was a mistake. If you were alive back then and the war was just getting started, I’d bet you’d be all for it.


  13. yeah, you know what you are right i mean, its not like anyone saw how stupid it was to make war on vietnam back then there were no protests or anything like that.

  14. i seem to remember polls showing people were in favor of the war in iraq when it first started, too.
    the point is, this is the same war only this time rain forest has been replaced by desert and communists by fascists.
    and im sure any war is going to have protesting going on by some pacifist pansies…some of the times they’re right

  15. Dear Stranger,

    NO NO NO. I was talking about when it initially started, like when troops were moving in in 1963. Polls were taken and people were in favor of the war. Sure there were protests here and there, but it wasnt until the Tet Offensive in 1968 when things got really ugly.



  16. Pacifist pansies?!?! We had no right to go and fuck with another country.
    They had nothing that could hurt us. If they wanted to get rid of their government, they could have. Government is the product of the people. Sure, they would have had to fight like hell. But that’s the price to pay for your own freedom. We shouldn’t have to pay that price. Now if they asked us for help, then I could see giving them a hand. Other than that, we have no right or buisness. None. If you think otherwise, you are just as bad as the dictators of the countries we are talking about.

  17. what i meant by pacifist pansies is that no matter how
    just a war might be, there will always be people
    protesting because they are pacifist pansies. my bad if i insinuated people protesting the current war were
    pansies…thats not what i meant. people are completely
    right to protest the occupation of iraq, i just meant that in this case pacifist pansies are right, too

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