Ind e-Pen XXVII

The Ind e-Pen




Howdy mischevious youths! Today is day one of the Yahoo Group “indepen.” I always feel like saying ‘dence day’ after that, but that would just be silly. I mean, the U.S. Independence Day isn’t for another 365 days! How ludicrous! In any case. This means that now, the tables have turned. Let me explain:

A Group. A Yahoo Group.

Yey! We’re a group now! Not like it was that difficult to become a group. I mean, there’s groups dedicated to studying various types of swamp crickets in South American jungles. And, I mean… after you discuss the various phenotypes, there really isn’t that much more to talk about.

But here, we have waaaaay more to say. At least I do. To 30 of you. See, they only let me add ten addresses per day, so some of you are in the group, some of you are still not. You can make yourself part of the group by just sending an e-mail to “” At least, that’s what I’m assuming. I haven’t tried that yet. Why would I? You know how I hate spam.

In any case, if you go to “” you’ll find my fabulous purple and red color scheme. I designed it myself. They had a warning, “do not design this color scheme, it will make people puke,” but did I listen to it? Noooooo… Now if you’ll excuse me, I must go use the giant porcelain telephone.

So what’s different about the group now? Well, for one, you can add or subtract yourself from the list and I wouldn’t find out about it until later (Butt, this is your chance!).

Also, if you send an e-mail to “” it gets posted and everyone can read it. Quite the spooky concept, if I do say so myself. I’m thinking of deleting that privilege, but I don’t know if I should…

So, let’s try this out. See how it goes. If no one likes it, then big whoop. We’ll go back to chiseling our e-mails into stone.

Aw, man, I just saw the website again. I think I need to do the Technicolor yawn…

The Dictionary

For my summer reading, I decided to catch up on the classics and read such famous works as Plato’s Republic, Amazing Spiderman #121, and Dr. Seuss’ “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.” Unfortunately, due to my many duties as the head honcho of the Pix Capacitor, a couple of websites, and a partridge in a pear tree, I have been unable to get started with any of them.

Actually, the real reason that I haven’t started the classics is because I can’t finish this book that I’m currently on. No, it’s not Tom Robbins’ Jitterbug Perfume or Jane Applegate’s 201 Great Ideas for your Small Business, it’s Webster’s very own dictionary.

See, it’s not that I don’t want to read the dictionary (I hear it’ll boost my vocabulary more than any other book), it’s just that I can’t stand the style. It’s almost as bad as Chaucer or Faulkner. I mean, who really Writes a book in alphabetical order? Oi.

And it’s not like I got far along into it either. I got lost on chapter B!

There were too many characters, introduced too soon, and I had no idea what was going on with the plot. I felt like I was reading something written by congress!

In any case, I gave up reading the dictionary. I even gave up trying to find the Cliff notes online. And don’t even get me started on the reviews…

A Small Quiz:

Congrats to Butt’s e-mail full of suspicion and innuendo. For his lack of trust of Nikki and my platonic relationship, he gets a Pix Capacitor. Or will get one this weekend anyway. This weekend? Hmm… I should start writing that.

Last Week’s Questions:

1: Will being classified as another type of game affect this e-mail?

2: Do you think that I really Did dress up as Santa Claus twice? Possibly once the last day of the Fall semester my Freshman year and once for Horror Day during our school’s Spirit Week?

3: Will You pay me for a Free lance job?

Butt’s quiz answers……

1: I have no idea what this questions means so I’ll go with no.

2: I bet you used that suit to sneak across the Mexican border and

into the States.

3: No, absolutely not.

This Week’s Questions:

1: Can you think of another, more fun way to say “barf?”

2: What are you doing for the fourth of july?

3: What about another way to say “Ralph?”

To be removed from this list, make a drunken pass at me.


  1. Quiz answers for today.

    >1: Can you think of another, more fun way to say “barf?” Ralph

    >2: What are you doing for the fourth of july? Trying to find a way to use M80’s to blow myself over to New Mexico. Or, if that dosn’t work after the first try. I’m going to get a jug of good ole’ unleaded, pour it in an empty lot and set it ablaze. It should be the hottest spot in town. (Bah dum chink)

    >3: What about another way to say “Ralph?” Barf

  2. 1. frab. spelling things backwards always makes the much more entertaining.

    2. for the fourth of july, i worked. Had a picnic with my family and then i drove around with friends, trying to see all the fireworks erie has to offer. we failed miserably, mainly because i felt the need to get out of the car and dance in the glow of the sky. also, we went to pizza hut after it closed, colored in some coloring books, went on the roof, and made rootbeer floats.

    3. I’m going to have to say “bob”. I like calling people with the name of ralph, bob. You’re bob, yeah, 2000 points, no steal.

    post script- i got bored with the “shift” key tonight, and therefore neglected to use it.
    stay tuned…. next weeks answers will all be in caps lock.
    its fun.
    try it.
    trust me.


  3. 1: Can you think of another, more fun way to say “barf?”

    >hmm…model spit?

    2: What are you doing for the fourth of july?
    >nothing…. i wouldnt want to be called a terrorist…yet…

    3: What about another way to say “Ralph?”

  4. >This Week’s Questions:
    >1: Can you think of another, more fun way to say “barf?”
    >2: What are you doing for the fourth of july?
    >3: What about another way to say “Ralph?”

    Nikki’s answers:

    1. that’s a nasty word. I think we should all say poot instead. I mean, seriously, who can sound sick when they say “oh no, I just pooted!”

    2. My fourth of July celebration consisted of setting up lawn chairs on the back porch and watching my neighbors blow up illegal fireworks that typically land in our yard.

    3. Is that a nickname or a real name? I’m reading a book with a character named Ralphie in it. Poor poor boy. Who names their kids Ralph anyway?
    That’s as bad as naming him Dick or Lesley…you’re just setting the kid up for rejection.

    4. Hey, Butt, what’s this about a non-platonic relationship with Carlos?

  5. 1: mouth shit

    2: fireworks and freedom fries my friend

    3: ralph ralph bo balf bannana fanna fo falph and i forget the rest of that thing


    ps. why are you reading the dictionary? thats like reading the phone book.

  6. This Week’s Questions:

    1: Can you think of another, more fun way to say “barf?”
    dont know…. try “Giving tribute to the porcelain God”

    2: What are you doing for the fourth of july?

    I was working in Texas…ewww.

    3: What about another way to say “Ralph?”
    I have always preferred Rufus over Ralph…. also you could call him Mr. Machio or Chachi

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