Month: July 2005

Random Hurtful E-Mails

Wow. Now this I have to steal. I mean, my friends and I also ball bust, but never via e-mail. I love the avant-gardeness of the idea. I think I’ll try it. Frank, Remember that time I found out that the girl you’d loved all of your life had a crush on you, but didn’t…

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It’s econowe

Hm.. First my pop’s job goes to Mexico. So he follows. Then that job goes to China, so he finds another one. Then, two of my uncles in Mexico lose their high-paying, high-tech jobs. They both start up their own small businesses, but the going is rough. Now my aunt has come here to fix…

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A Blaze of Old Glory

So my friend is an Eagle Scout now. Wow. Who cares? Apparently everyone in boy scouts. I didn’t even know what an Eagle Scout was until the ceremony today. I’d been a boy scout for all of forty-five minutes back in elementary school. I showed up, didn’t know anybody, realized I didn’t like to do…

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I suppose I’ll be wise for a year longer…

I went to the dentist today. Twenty minutes of consultation (which included a seven minute video) and I had to pay $70 out of pocket. Then, when I asked them the estimate for getting my wisdom teeth out, they said something to the tune of $1530. Yes, over one thousand dollars. that my family dental…

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Who says I’m antisocial and why have I never seen them?

I have a problem… I’m secretly very shy. I keep it hidden by talking louder, longer, and oftener than everyone else. I’m so ashamed… – Πιξ Related posts: Chickspeak: How Sexy Women Talk Many of these words started with “Sex and the City.” Others can be found on, a fashion and style newsletter Web…

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I hate thematic posts

I was going to talk about how ironic it is that on July 4th we all light fireworks. Does it strike nobody else as silly that on the day we celebrate our autonomy, patriotism, and independence, we light fireworks that were not only invented in China, but likely made there as well? I was going…

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