Month: September 2005

Palinode to Phrases that should never be said

And now, an argument for why these phrases should be said. “You can trust me.” — Picture the following situation: Anson, Bill, and Count Chocula are fighting vampires that have cornered them into a treehouse from which there is no escape. Moreover, Anson, Bill, and Count Chocula are afraid that one of them has been…

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ToG – From Hack to Hate

Gabe the Recursive Beaver here with the question of the week: who would win in a hacky-sack match to the death between Spiderman and Daredevil? Think about that when you’re living your boring, boring life and doing you’re boring, boring schoolwork. We advise you to send your 100 word, referenced and footnoted answers to…

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And then, they all took two steps back…

Have you ever just wanted to be rude and yell at someone for no reason? I mean, they haven’t done anything to you, but that’s the problem. You want to rattle their cages, but you don’t really want them to hate you. You want to bust them out of their zone and hard.When I was…

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“Did I ever tell you about the time I drove in Mexico?”

So I drove in Australia yesterday. Yup. Me. After that mysterious and carefully ignored incident, I didn’t think anyone would be stupid enough to let me drive, but alas, someone was too tired to know better and let me.It’s funny because I had no license was wearing glasses that only gave me 20/40 vision didn’t…

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“We Need to Talk”

As per my last post, I started thinking ((keep it up, Pixel!)). The reason that “we need to talk” creates such a sense of foreboding in the person listening is because it signifies a change in the conversation. Because, even if you’ve been talking for 8 hours straight, you can still say that phrase with…

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Phrases that should never be said

“You can trust me.” — if you actually could trust them, you wouldn’t need to say that, now would you? “Can I kiss you?” — girls understand this a lot more than guys. Would that you could say it, but alas, once you do so, you ruin the moment. Still, it’d be easier to do…

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