Month: November 2005

Tao of Gabe: On Low Self-Esteem

Gabe the Enlightened Beaver here to boost your low, low self-esteem. It has come to my attention that many uglier, dumber, and smellier humans have a low opinion of themselves. We all have moments in which we feel worthless, though in my case, they’re not justified. So you should not be ashamed of how you…

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Hierarchy of Bloggitude

Who here hasn’t laughed at someone who had a xanga? And while livejournal is a bit better, it’s still a blogospherical embarrassment. There was once a time when we at Blogger were at the top and could brag about it, but I’ve since seen some really good stuff out of wordpress and even typepad isn’t…

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Goodie Grab Bag VIII

Only the mediocre die middle aged. 1: So you had to swallow your words? 2: Yeah. 1: Then what? 2: I had a vowel movement. You know what’s funny? Humorous observations. 1: Women, Nature’s Rubik’s Cube. 2: Yeah, but I can actually do a Rubik’s Cube Fortune calls. But it’s the wrong number. I number…

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Calling all Quipsters

The deadline for the next WTF! Carnival is the 25th (Friday). Send your submissions to submissions(at)pixcapacitor(dot)com and I shall forward them to Aeger. Alternatively, you could send them to Aeger and he’ll post them the 31st. (it has come to my attention that November doesn’t have a 31st. Oh, well. I guess he won’t post…

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It’s my 500th post. Hey, blogosphere, give me some love. Everyone (calling all lurkers) comment on why they read me, how they came about the blog, and/or what they love best of what I do. Related posts: Thank you, whoever you are Dear Stoned in San Francisco, Sorry we didn’t take you seriously before. It…

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I’m such an arse

I go insane. Every time I try to spell something that ends with ‘-er‘ or ‘-re‘ or ‘-or‘ or ‘-our‘ or ‘-ise‘ or ‘-ize‘ or ‘-ce‘ or ‘-se‘ or ‘-xion‘ or ‘-ction‘ or any of the other hundred-odd variations in English, I go insane. I’ve just grown too used to my Zeds and C’s in…

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