I cried because I had nowhere to sit until I met a guy with a funny haircut

Have I ever told you all about my hidden racism towards white people? I mean, I don’t hate all white people, just whitey in general. But I say it like I do. I go around Klansmen and make jokes that deride white mommas and just generally enjoy carte blanche because people think I am white.

I’m not.

Okay, I am, but I’m not of European descent.

Okay, I am, but the three closest generations lived next to a bunch of non-Europeans for so long that I culturally identify with them.

Okay, that is to say I would, had I grown up with them instead of around all white people.

In any case, I find it hilarious that I can be as racist as I want to be and not have anyone say anything. That is to say I did find it hilarious.

Until I actually met someone that was racist (seriously, in 2005, no less). Not against white people though, because who doesn’t hate honkies? No, this person hated Asians.

Which makes me feel odd about encouraging it. Racism isn’t funny (unless its towards white people or those funny races like ‘smurf’). Racism is just wrong.

So now I have a dozen white jokes that I don’t want to use anymore. Meeting actual racism has clouded my sense of fake racism being funny. Doesn’t that suck?

I think white people did it.

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