Have you ever accidentally posted something on another blog without meaning to? It makes you feel silly.
Boy, this being a contributing author to multiple blogs is confusing.
Update (midnight): Drew came up with an awesome meme, me thinks. Let’s follow it:
If I were killed:
‘Your mom was great in bed last night!’
Of old age (famous life):
‘I was like Dennis Miller!! Ha ha ha!!! … what? Too obscure?’
Of old age (political life):
‘Bury me with the head of Dubya.. I don’t care if he’s alive!’
Of old age (as a nobody):
‘I can make it into the history books if I just say some awesome last words… If only I could think of some.. Oh, poop!’
as a scientist:
‘I found a hidden message to worship Satan in– The Bible!’
as an artist:
‘I hid a copy of the DaVinci Code in my pants…’
as a Theologist:
‘Why the hell did I become a Theologist?’ ::rimshot::
‘Oh, it’s fair enough, I guess. I mean, I did pee on your toothbrush… this morning!’
As a philosopher:
‘I’m amortal: I could die, but I choose not to… Well, I chose not to.’
As a journalist:
‘Breaking news! Stop the presses!! Alert the editor!!! It’s true: I’m awesome.’
As a Viewspaper editor/publisher:
‘What, you’ve never heard of me? Oh, this doesn’t bode well. This doesn’t bode well at all…’
Getting struck by lightning:
Shooting myself in the middle of a crowded classroom during finals right after the sixth person has turned in his test:
‘Oh, anything’s gotta be better than this friggin’ thing.’
Being struck by a meteorite:
‘Ha, foolish mortal! Nothing of this Earth can kill me!!’
Getting run over by a bread truck:
‘HA HA!! I DID IT!!! HA HA!!! ::twack::’
As a God:
‘Take that Judeo-Christian conception of God!’
why was it on accident?? you know, you can delete it. even i, the computer-illiterate one, knows that.
Yeah, but I didn’t think it was worth the effort. PLUS, I figured it’d be messed up to retract a post. I always hate it when I can’t read things because people deleted or hid them from me..
Lalala…I had nothing to say, but nothing else to do…lalala
D***it Pix,
I hate how you take my idea, and make it good. It’s not fair! Why can’t I be the comedic genius for once. *tear goes down the cheek*