Satan’s Propaganda Advertising Mail

SPAM. Before you read this, go here and obey her. The only way we can win is if everyone attacks and attacks decisively.

My Media Law teacher once remarked on how SPAM is no worse and might even be better than snail mail advertisements.

I’m not sure if I agree. The thing about regular mail is that I never expect anything good in it except for some magazines and maybe an exploding toad or two every fortnight.

With SPAM, there’s always the fear that you’ll delete somebody you know’s e-mail. Some people get to the point where they delete all unknown e-mail addresses and that’s just plain spooky. Would that life weren’t like that.

*Le sigh*

No moral, no lesson, no thought, just a plain story for you. A story all the way from… the Twilight Zone.

One comment

  1. That’s right! Obey her!!!


    My real point with the rant is that, in general, people in our society do not fight enough – when we have a legitimate reason, anyway. We have all sorts of stupid grudges and pettiness, but no focus on the actual worthy fights. We complain, and we stress, and we harbour ill-will and hostility towards things, but what do we do about it? Nothing.

    When will our situation improve? When we actually stand up for ourselves for once. When will that happen? I don’t know. I hope soon. I feel like we’re in Orwell’s 1984, and in the end we’ll just be broken by the system and allow ourselves to accept horrible conditions just ‘cos we were too lazy to face them/fight them when they initiated… it’s the scariest thought in the world to me, I dunno about anyone else, ‘cos I know I can stand up for myself, but I have very little impact on the rest of society, and I know that eventually, to be accepted, the individual must give into the group.

    Well fuck it, I refuse.

    Head like a hole
    Black as your soul
    I’d rather die
    than give you control

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