The wrappers never lie

I don’t know if I’ve already told this story here, but it’s eerily appropriate given recent events.

Back in high school, for our final field trip in a club called MESA (Math, Engineering, Science, Achievement), we went to the Biosphere in Arizona. Maybe it was a Biodome.

Heck, now that I think of it, I’m sure they called it Biodome II.

Oh, well.

The point is that they put my two best friends at the time– Jack and Daniel— and myself in the same room. By the way, those are their legitimate names, I’m not trying to confess my teenage drinking problem… yet.

While on this trip, Jack, Daniel, and myself decided to throw a party using pizza we’d stolen from the school bus. We threw the party in a nearby hotel room because the advisors didn’t trust us (they’d even put tape on our door to make sure we didn’t leave).

The party was grand and the entire night was a fantastic escapade of Jack and Daniel running to their girlfriend’s hotel rooms and running back in the nick of time.

That evening, we all had too much energy, so we decided to pole-vault onto the bed. We got the pole from the closet (and in doing so, we accidentally punched four holes in the wall and one in the ceiling). After pole-vaulting, we had a contest to see who could jump highest, using the bed as a cushion yet again.

Finally, Daniel pretended to be Superman and landed on the bed as hard as he could, thus breaking it. We put the bed back together haphazardly and sat around talking until Jack and Daniel noticed the mini-fridge, which had been locked so that we couldn’t access it.

… yeah, they took the minibar apart.

It was 2 a.m. We were left with a quandary: should we take the food or not take the food?

Daniel was of the opinion that if we did take the food that we should either take all of it or none at all.

I thought that we should either not take any food whatsoever, or take enough so that we could pay for it if we were caught.

Theoretically, Daniel and I could have been in agreement and not taken any food at all. But there was still one other person with us.

Jack said, “Screw this, I’m taking a juice.”

So we all took two items and relished in their stale goodness. We painstakingly put the fridge back together. We fixed the room so that nobody would be able to tell what had gone on that night. It was flawless.

Except for the fact that we left the wrappers of the stolen goodies in the trashcan right next to the mini-fridge.

Our advisor yelled at us and said that she was disappointed in me, as I was supposed to be the one watching them… never mind that they were both older, bigger, and stronger than me.

But they’d found us out and we had to pay $9.

Wait. I had to pay $9! The bastards never paid me back!


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