Obviously, Not Woody

1799: Rosetta Stone is found

I’ve decided to learn French.

J’ai décidé d’apprendre le français

The reason I’ve decided this is because a friend of mine had some extra language tapes that she wasn’t using, so I figured I might as well. Besides: I’ve always wanted to read Le Petit Prince in the original language.

Oh, and I saw Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix this week (along with every prior movie). It was good. I really enjoyed Luna Lovegood and thought that Nymphadora Tonks was drop-dead gorgeous. My friends disagreed. They thought she looked ‘manish.’

Also, I’m sick and tired of everyone saying that Hermione is beautiful all of a sudden. It’s just plain creepy for people my age to check out a 17 year old. People that check her out now are sickos and should stay away from children. I’m just glad I’m not one of those sick bastards. I was into her before she was popular.

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