Ninja lurk!

10 Things I Wish Would Happen

Memed from Climbing on the Words:

  1. I’d get accepted to Madison, Duke, Minnesota, or Bloomington… hopefully all of the above.
  2. My paper would get accepted to a conference.
  3. The writers of House, Heroes, the Daily Show, the Colbert Report, and Kyle XY would become scabs in the writer’s strike and continue the season.
  4. Only non-real life people would access my blog.1
  5. Third parties could finally become viable… even it was one of those crazy Libertarian parties.
  6. Nobody would ever have to move ever again… and if they did, they wouldn’t call me to help them.
  7. I could get a Wii instead of a gym membership.2
  8. I could get my stuff done and do some serious reading. 🙂
  9. I’d get a windfall of money into my vacation account.
  10. We could all hold hands and sing a beautiful rendition of kumbaya… with an encore performance of Dr. Dre’s “Bitches Ain’t Shit.”

Blah, blah, blah

  1. I get paranoid, I’m sure you understand. []
  2. Holy Crapola! I have an idea! []


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