There’ll be time enough to sleep when I’m dead… which will happen soon enough if I don’t go to sleep soon

92.  My head is a perfect sphere, to counteract this, I cut my hair in a very top-heavy way.  Also, I grow facial hair… all three and a half whiskers of it.

The last line of this post, which I recently sneaked into my archives, was:

Oh, yeah, and I couch surfed in Birmingham too. But I’m trying to forget this, as my host took me dancing and eventually tried to sleep with me.

Basically, she wanted to make out with me to make her boyfriend jealous, I refused.  Then, she wanted me to sleep in her bed with her, I refused.  Then, she slept in the nude… while I was in very nearby couch weeping gently.  I didn’t tell very many people that this happened, but kept it in mind every single time I went couchsurfing afterward.

I’m looking for a place to couch surf on my way to North Carolina this week.  I plan on stopping once in Dallas, then again in Atlanta.  Here’s a map I made:

I’m swinging by San Angelo to have coffee with an ex-girlfriend.  This will prove to be awkward, but she was a great friend when I knew her and it would make me sad if there were no friendship left to save.  Then, because it will likely be late, I’ll stop outside of Dallas to sleep… in my car.  Did I mention I’m poor now?  Please donate to the Pixel fund.

Then, I’m going to Atlanta, where I’m hoping to score some sweet M&M’s from Heather Anne and, unrelatedly,1 where I’m hoping to find a couch in which to surf.  You’d think that, after the previous couchsurfing experience, I’d have a try to avoid staying at unknown female’s houses… but every time I click on a guy’s profile, I can’t help but feeling like it’s a little gay.

*sigh*  Are there any robots at

  1. Because asking an Internet acquaintance if you can stay at their house would be weird and creepy in a way demanding M&M’s is not. []


  1. Too bad I don’t live anywhere near your route. You could surf on my couch safely, as I have no need to try to make a boyfriend jealous, though you would have to share it with two cats and a toddler who thinks he needs to sleep in the living room. I would also give you all the M&M’s you oculd eat BUT: you would have to do my dishes. Just once. 🙂

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