13. I once lost a job because of something I wrote on my blog. Specifically, I called someone’s mustache ‘mysterious’ in a way that would imply derision. If I could go back, I’d do it all over again, but have fun while doing it. It wasn’t fun the first time I went through with it, because it was my life and livelihood. Now it’s just a funny story.
Dear World,
I’ve been updating you on Duke news for a while, but I haven’t really mentioned anything beyond that. The reasons for that are obvious: It’s DUKE… but it does not excuse my keeping valuable information from you.
I write this from a Best Western in Davis, California. The philosophy graduate program here has flown me out1 to visit the campus, eat pizza, and convince me to attend their university. And, just between the world and me, Davis has quite a way to go. Duke offered me $23k, Davis has only offered $15k. Duke is Duke, Davis is not. Duke is the place to be for philosophy of biology, Davis is another place for that. Also, I think I’m legally obligated to go to Duke now. Hm. So, yeah, I’m here listening to their pitch and eating their pizza, but they’ve got a ways to go.
I’ve also been accepted into an M.A. program in Indiana. I have, however, been rejected by six or seven other universities. I e-mailed two other programs to ask them to no longer consider me. In conclusion, graduate applications, despite my constant worrying and year’s worth of stressing out, have turned out well for me.
Hopefully they will for you, too. But I have to go eat free pizza now, toodles.
Best (seriously),
- Presumably: I paid for the ticket, but they swore they’d reinburse me. [↩]