Some solutions to the budget deficit

  1. Raise taxes to crippling levels
  2. Cut spending to destitute levels
  3. Legalize drugs/gay marriage/slavery/super porn/the hunting of humans and tax it
  4. Sell Alaska back to Russia for 50x what we bought it for
  5. Declare war on China, acquire them, and forgive our debt
  6. Bring the manufacturing industry back to America by hook (but also by crook)
  7. Ponzi scheme
  8. Sell off various political positions
  9. Move everyone overnight to Mexico
  10. Have a really, really big bake sale


  1. 11. Go to a Casino and put the country’s budget all on red, then let it ride.

    12. Make a ‘Birthing’ tax so people have to pay to give birth.

    13. Invade Canada and nick their stuff.

    14. Ebay off leftover missile silos

    15. Ebay off leftover missiles.

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