63. For years my favorite number was 35. That just seems silly to me now, because it’s 100011 in binary.
Dear World,
I’ve decided to start treating you all as a single person, much like Anne Frank did to “Kitty.” (Her dog.) Presumably this will make it easier to dump you later on in the year when I stop blogging. Or maybe it’ll make it harder.
Actually, I’m seriously beginning to fear the summer. I’ve sort of mentioned my plans on leaving the country and touring the world (here), but I haven’t updated you in almost four weeks, so here goes.
Originally, I was going to go see my little cousin graduate in July. After that, I wanted to take advantage of the trip to see the home country. Then I decided I should, while I’m in the area, go around the planet and visit my friends in Australia. A quick e-mail survey suggested that I should arrive in Australia (pronounced “Oz”) right after my cousin’s graduation July 11.
… THEN I called another cousin for her birthday and found out that she graduates May 30. This put me in an odd bind, because I was born May 29, and I didn’t know if I wanted to be gone for my birthday. But, after a protracted internal monologue, I realized I wasn’t planning on having a birthday this year anyway. In case you missed my tweet: I’ll be 25 until further notice. This means that I was now born in 1982 until May 29, after which I will have been born in 1983. Besides: my birthdays have been lame for a while now. I think a grand total of three people remembered me when I turned 22 (and one of them was me).
SO, the final plan is thus: Leave May 20 for Mexico, see a graduation, tour three or four states and visit family, see another graduation, return to New Mexico July 14. Then, July 15, I leave for Australia and spend time with friends over there and return August 7 in time for my friend Jcak’s1 wedding. I’ll have a week’s vacation then to pack up all my stuff, move across the country to North Carolina, and find an apartment in time for the August 19 orientation.
*PHEW!* I’m not sure where I’ll fit blogging in that schedule, but I’m sure I’ll have a few minutes to spare between exhaustion and unconsciousness. Some people think I cut it too close: I say they’re lucky I give them air holes at all.
How do I get the money, you ask?
Simple: I sell drugs to children.
(My streams of consciousness are like white-water rapids, but this is what happens when the Internet goes down and I lose valuable hours of browsing and blogging.)
- Name scrambled for his protection [↩]
I really dig this refusal to age of yours. Interesting concept. But I must ask that you be careful when selling drugs to children. No, seriously, be careful. They’ve got guns now, you know.