Things I wish I could say to people, but can’t (pt. XXV of XXVI)

Just one more…

  • I must never speak to you again.  This is for your own good.  Also, for the sake of avoiding drama.
  • I never realized how much of a douche you were,  I’m glad you left.

Navigationpt. i, pt. ii, pt. iii, pt. iv, pt. v, pt. vi, pt. vii, pt. viii, pt. ix, pt. x, pt. xi, pt. xii, pt. xiii, pt. xiv, pt. xv, pt. xvi, pt. xvii, pt. xviii, pt. xix, pt. xx, pt. xxi, pt. xxii, pt. xxiii, pt. xxiv, pt. xxv, pt. xxvi


  1. Two things:
    1. You only seem to like a relatively small fraction of your phone contacts.

    2. You know what there is a lack of here? Joint blogging.

  2. 🙂 I’ve had the same thought. Also, I’ve analyzed it in a very profound way. As you will see in a post to be published next Monday. 🙂

    Also: I assume Steve is not talking about Marijuana. That said, I wonder how he means what he means.

  3. I await with baited breath. And by that I mean I’ll have a read of it sometime between when it’s posted, and the end of next month.

    And by Joint blogging I was referring to your considered idea of a blog with multiple people updating it.

    Note to self: Update blog while high, see what happens.??? Profit.

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