The Ind e-Pen
So I went from the Sun City (El Paso, Texas) to Sin City (Las Vegas, Nevada). Next time, I think I’m going to go to Cos City (Ha ha, get it? Trig? Yeah, I get all the chicks…). And now on to the stereotypically late e-mail (This issue: parentheses galore!).
What was I supposed to be doing in Las Vegas, again? Oh, yeah, checking out the bathrooms at Caesar’s Palace. Or was it Treasure Island? Oh, it doesn’t matter anyway. Bathroom is as a bathroom does.
“What?” You say. “Could he possibly have become jaded after only being in Sin City for three days?”
Yes, I could.
Before I went to Vegas (unbeknownst to my parents– come to think of it, they probably still think I’m camping), I thought that I had powdered my nose with the best of them. I couldn’t imagine how any bathroom could be better than the one at the Treasure Island.
But then I went to every other bathroom in Las Vegas (purely for research purposes… although my constant drinking of Mountain Dew Livewire probably didn’t help much).
Apparently, beautiful bathrooms are a staple of every major hotel in Las Vegas (except for New York New York and the Stratosphere. Actually, those too, but they smelled funky… and not just because I was in them).
So now I’m somewhat weary of looking for the one perfect bathroom. Hey, if you went on a painstakingly difficult tour of every bathroom in Vegas, you’d be pooped out too!
The purpose of my impromptu trip to Vegas was to go visit a friend of mine from Pennsylvania (hey, sometimes you have to go backwards to move forward).
I went to Las Vegas with my once and future artist and a rollerblader with anti-Semitic Jewish curls. That has nothing to do with the story, I just keep wondering how a guy with curly-curly hair could get more chicks than me (the score was 15 – love, but I blame my failure on the racket… chicks just don’t like getting smacked in the arse with a racket… or being called chicks).
Now, you probably think that I’m an idiot for driving 12 hours to go see a friend (15 on the way there. I accidentally let a curly-haired thrill-seeker drive my car after Phoenix and we ended up in California heading towards Lake Havasu, which is only famous because of the “Girls Gone Wild” franchise… you think I’m kidding).
There’s really three reasons that I went: 1. I had the money, 2. I said I was going to go, and 3. I had nothing better to do (what with the lack of finding a job and the not wanting to be at home with my mom nagging me over how I’m never home).
Anyway, we stayed at the Excalibur (was that the sword in the stone or the one from the pool? I don’t know whether to say that the prices were rock bottom or that we were over our head drowning in debt, or both).
I spent most of the first day collecting call girl’s cards as if they came with Bazooka Joe bubble gum, after that I spent most of the first night washing my hands and wondering just what possessed me to think that collecting glossy cards of naked women would be fun.
The scariest thing about driving a fourth of the way across the country to stay in the dirtiest place on earth is wondering if you’re ever going to run into the person that you went there to see (maybe we should have exchanged contact information beforehand…), but then she called me.
So we hung out. Here I’m defining ‘hung out’ as ‘driving about thirty miles to try to find the biggest thrift shop in the world only to finally find it, put money in the meter, and realize that it’s closed.’
Then the day ended.
The next morning, we packed up, went on a ten-second (and ten dollar) roller coaster. It was a fun ride, but I don’t care What happens, if it only lasts ten seconds, it’s not worth ten dollars. Then again, I’m probably just bitter because that was our gas money home.
Speaking of which, does anyone have five bucks they could lend me?
Ah, a helping hand.
It’s odd. When I look back at my old viewspapers, I often think, “oh, my bejeezus! How did anyone ever like this?? It whomps more than my idea to record everything I sing and mutter in the shower!”
… I still have a few of the 8-tracks left, in case you want to buy one…
Anyway, usually, my distaste towards my own writing only extends into my much earlier attempts, but recently, I tried looking at the earlier Ind e-Pens (he heh, pens), and I thought to my self, “What was I thinking?”
Oy, I’m so glad I’m not fumbling like an unpopular schoolgirl in a Fraternity Kegger anymore. No, now I know how to write an Ind. e-Pen. But in figuring that out, I accidentally forgot how to write my other publication.
You see, I’ve decided to expand the Pix Capacitor to 10 pages (of content, which beats out Vogue. Then again, a used Kleenex beats out Vogue in content).
To take up these extra two pages, I’m going to make the font size slightly bigger (to “readable”) and expand four articles. This takes care of one and a third of the extra two pages. Now I just have to introduce one or two more columns to fill up the 500 words or so that I need.
But which columns? I could reintroduce one that was killed off earlier, but it was probably killed off for a reason. Or… I could come up with an entirely new column. I leave the decision to you, the audience. Whatever you decide will be how I go for at least four more issues.
Here, I’ll make the case for each article (you can vote for one or two). In alphabetical order:
Biography: This is a profile of a famous person (either alive, dead, or some zombie/vampire-type state). The twist is that we turn their life into a hideous caricature (making up whatever the research didn’t cover, and giving wacky reasons for the person’s actions). During the semesterly Sweeps, we would write a slight variation of this called the “Unauthorized Autobiography” where the only difference is that we pretend to be whoever we’re writing about.
Calendar: This is a calendar of the next month along with any important dates (meaning Pix Capacitor releases and birthdays). The thing is, this is more practical than funny or interesting, and it’s not even that practical.
Consumer Reports: A suggestion for a column by a friend. This would be where I’d put all of the toilet comparisons and movie reviews. The sky’s the limit here, but it would need a specific direction for it to take off, and I can’t really think of the angle I want to take.
Dummy’s Guide: Here we would patiently explain to people how to do everything from selling their soul on eBay to hotwiring a car. It would include rigorously detailed diagrams (ha ha!) and would seriously give the result we claimed, although not in a serious manner.
History Lesson: Similar to the biography concept, but this would be about some part of history. The only problem with this is actually its biggest strength: that it would be funnier if the person reading it knew what we were talking about (then again, does anyone Ever know what we are talking about?).
X’s & Y’s: A transcript of random people’s conversations, cut in such a way that it ends with a joke each time. The problem is that getting this material takes eons. Try it some time. If you like what you get, send me the results, I might publish them.
Microphiction: A story in 300 words or less. For the literature buffs (ha ha!) in the audience. This would start with a few short-shorts of mine, but hopefully eventually, people would start submitting stories.
A Small Quiz:
Congratulations to Nikki Soohy, the winner of last week’s quiz. She was the only person to tell people to send me money. For her answers, she wins a Pix Capacitor.
On a similar note, I received quite a few hilarious responses to last week’s quiz. And, so that they don’t die with me, I’ll publish them all. Nikki’s responses are first, then I listed everyone else’s in alphanumerical order. Here you go:
Last Week’s Questions:
1: What’s the fanciest place YOU’VE ever peed in?
2: What’s the LEAST fanciest place you’ve peed in?
3: When’s your birthday?
Nikki’s Answers:
1. The fanciest place I’ve ever peed in was the emperor’s palace in Japan.
They even had someone to wipe my butt FOR ME! Would you believe that?
Neither did the Japanese police, but that’s a WHOLE other story…
2. The least fanciest place I’ve ever peed in would have to be New Jersey.
What a waste of a state.
3. My birthday is July 24th, and I expect money and lovin’ from everybody
on Carlos’ contacts list. If you REALLY aren’t willing to send me anything,
at least send some money to Carlos…(it’s his birthday for Pete’s sake!)
Happy birthday Carlos!!!
Adelay’s answers:
The fanciest place I’ve ever peed in was my uncle’s boss’s restroom.
I was about six feet away from his giant black marble shell-shaped
bathtub. My uncle’s in the “construction” business. (See also –
George Jung’s occupation in ‘Blow’)
The most horrible place I’ve ever taken a tinkle would be in a gas
station en route to Pittsburgh. With the distinct smell of sixteen
year old lasagna hanging in the air, the restroom had a black designer
silt laying on every square inch of the 3-square-inch floor. The door
locked with a key attached to a giant block of a 2×4.
My birthday is TODAY – May 31. I have nineteen beasts under my belt
as of 3:28 PM, and that’s not even getting into my sex life.
Cassie’s answers [did she write these in Pennsylvania or Las Vegas? The world may never know…]:
1. Fanciest place I have ever peed? My aunt’s bathroom. She is rich.
2. The pool. C’mon…we’ve all done it.
Speaking of which, have you ever seen the episode of Pete and Pete where they have the special chemicals that show who was the pool peer (is that right?) was? Yeah. That scared me.
3. MY BIRTHDAY IS MAY 31st therefore, you need to GIVE ME CANDY!
Jack’s answers:
1: HMMM, the fanciest place i have ever peed? well, there was this really nice swimming pool in california! Just kidding, or am i? One will never know.
2: well one of my friends here in chaparral has this swimming pool.
[wait a minute… that’s ME isn’t it? Isn’t it??]
3: the day i was born.
Butt’s answers:
1. my pants
2. your pants
3. july 10
T. Rob’s answers (it’s like T. Rex, but without the scary teeth):
1: What’s the fanciest place YOU’VE ever peed in? I had the privledge of
peeing in my very own bathroom.
2: What’s the LEAST fanciest place you’ve peed in? Three letters: IUP
3: When’s your birthday? April 18. I remember because you guys gave me cake and sang to me!
This Week’s Questions:
1: Is Excalibur the Sword in the Stone or has Disney mislead me? Wait… was it Disney? Or did Disney mislead me about that too (like they did with Antz)?
2: Which column(s) should I add? Do you have any ideas that you’d like to see?
3: Did nobody notice that two of last week’s questions with prepositions ended on? Is that really a rule in English, or did teachers just make that one up? Isn’t it just so confusing to think about?
To be removed from this list, if you live Northeast of Kansas, go outside from 7:05 to 7:45 on Tuesday morning and see Venus go across the sun. The last time this happened was in 1882. If you live Southwest of Kansas… unplug your internet.
1: Is Excalibur the Sword in the Stone or has Disney mislead me? Wait… was it Disney? Or did Disney mislead me about that too (like they did with Antz)?
2: Which column(s) should I add? Do you have any ideas that you’d like to see?
3: Did nobody notice that two of last week’s questions with prepositions ended on? Is that really a rule in English, or did teachers just make that one up? Isn’t it just so confusing to think about?
1) come on, it is disney, do they every tell the truth. how many people do you see everyday that’s animated?
2) i like the dummies guide idea. that seems interesting.
3) i just have one thing to say, the teachers work for disney.
>1: What’s the fanciest place YOU’VE ever peed in? I had the privledge of peeing in my very own bathroom.
2: What?s the LEAST fanciest place you?ve peed in? Three letters: IUP
3: When’s your birthday? April 18. I remember because you guys gave me cake and sang to me!
well carlos….we and by we i mean my friend athena and i were soooo inspired by this trip to guatemala that we decided to reply to both sets of questions….YO YO, THIS IS ATHENA. WHATS UP, AFTER THIS ONE EXPERIENCE THAT WE SHARED TOGETHER WE FEEL THE NEED TO SHARE…so anyways….athena and i are in this together….”this” is the fact that we are sitting in a shady chat bar/internet cafe…with very little light and a lot of …wait..only men…with lots of alcohol…oh shit…wish us luck…. so on to the questions
the best place that we ever peed here would have to be at the host mom of athena….ONLY 14 PEOPLE HAVE TO SHARE THIS BATHROOM. iF YOU NEED TO GO AT JUST THE RIGHT TIME, IT MIGHT JUST BE OPEN…mmmm how clean….so yeah…that would have to be the nicest…Now for the dirties…tee hee
i would have to say that would be in this beautiful mayan village that allowed us to witness their culture first hand…with daily life as a mayan….HOLD UP, IM GONNA THROW IN MY VETO FOR THE WORD BEAUTIFUL. eVERY TIME I HEARD THE TERM “WEAVING DEMONSTRATION” MY EYE TWITCHED.
yeah….iguess it was a little bit of a culture shock…WELL. I WAS COOL UNIIL WE WERE POINTED INTO THE WOODS WHEN WE ASKED DONDE ESTA EL BANO. THIS “BATHROOM” WAS THREE PIECES OF PLASTIC HANGING AROUND A STONE SHAPED LIKE TOILET BOWEL THAT LEAD TO THE GREAT UNKNOW. THE SEAT COVER WAS A NICE PLANK OF WOOD THAT WAS PROBABLY OLDER THAT I…wait a second!! you had a toilet!? we had the opportunity to go into the woods and dig a hole in the ground!! lowering us to the status of dogs! and heaven forbid you had to shit! then you dug a hole and had to cover it up afterwards…oh…and where to put the toilet paper… oye vey!!! thank god for zip lock bags! EWWWWWW. IT WAS NICE OF THE WOMEN TO INFORM US THAT THEY HAD AN OUTHOUSE JUST FOR US WHITIES AFTER WE ALL PAYED OUR OMEN TO THE STONE GOD…AND CATS SANDY, CATS. THE DOGS HAD MORE PRIVACY THAN WE DID…AND THEY DIDNT HAVE TO SLEEP IN BEDS THAT SMELLED LIKE…WAIT, MAYBE MY BED WAS SOMEONE ELSES “WORST BATHROOM”… got a bed! we got a piece of really smelly yellow foam on the floor…DID YOU HAVE AN INSECT THAT SOUNDED LIKE IT WAS TRYING TO DIAL UP TO THE INTENET ALL NIGHT? we couldnt see insects because we were covered by this insteresting contraption…errr net that draped over us to keep the bugs away…which wouldnt have been so bad if i didnt have to share a “bed” that was smaller than a dorm rooms bed…with a net designed for one person…WE HAD A NET TOO, WITH A BIG HOLE IN IT. BIG HELP…BUT IT DIDN{T BLOCK THE SOUND OF THAT F#”KIN CRICKET THING… maybe it helpedthat we were sleeping ina concrete building with a door thicker than a body!! but it didnt seem to matterwith the bugs because the walls werent connected to the ceiling so the bugs made themselves at home and feasted off of our bodies…MAYBE THE SOUNDS WERE MUFFLED BY THE OTHER 10 BODIES YOU HAD SLEEPING IN THE SAME ROOM/HOUSE….you are right…but was beautiful…FOR ANYONE THAT FEELS LIKE PARTICIPATING IN A WEAVING COOP, TWO WORDS…HOLD IT. (AND EAR PLUGS)…that{s five…SHUT UP BEFORE I SELL YOU TO THE LOCALS…anyways…..
if youre still with us…my birtday is on september 25 and if you would like to send me money i can more than willingly set up a paypal account….I THOUGHT YOUR BIRTHDAY WAS IN JUNE…HUH, LEARNED SOMETHING NEW, MINES ON THE 24TH OF THIS WONDERFUL MONTH…WHICH IM MISSING (WEATHER WISE) CAUSE OF COURSE I GO FROM COLD CRAPPY SNOWY SYRACUSE TO COLD CRAPY RAINY XELA…IM TRAVELING AROUND THE SUMMER WEATHER…dude…you are so right…it rains every single day here!!!!
(as we are sitting in our soaked clothes because we braved the weather and traveled across a river to get here…well…it wasnt a reeeaaalll
river, it was the dirty city rain water rushing down what is their version of a cobblestone road….with pot holes worse than construction season in pennsylvania…wait…its always construction season in pa…SOUNDS LIKE NEW MEXICO, I SHOULD HAVE BOUGHT STOCK IN THE ORANGE BARREL BUISNESS…hahahaha……igualmente….. moving
>This Week?s Questions:
>1: Is Excalibur the Sword in the Stone or has Disney mislead me?
> Wait? was it Disney? Or did Disney mislead me about that too (like
>they did with Antz)?
>2: Which column(s) should I add? Do you have any ideas that you?d
>like to see?
>3: Did nobody notice that two of last week?s questions with
>prepositions ended on? Is that really a rule in English, or did
>teachers just make that one up? Isn?t it just so confusing to think about?
ok…number 2…..which column….having had the honor of being carloss RA im sure that anything that he chose would be extremely funny…but i would like to see you do some consumer reports…i would like to see how you rate products….was lather rinse repeat??? i often get confused by the directions on containers….AND WHATS WITH THAT TWO IN ONE…TWO IN ONE IS A BULLSHIT TERM, CAUSE ONE IS NOT BIG ENOUGH TO HOLD TWO…THAT WAS WHY TWO WAS CREATED…very true…and im not sure if my hair is damaged from dying it about…oh…every week when it was shorter or if the 2 in 1 shampoo/conditioner really really
sucks…..MY VOTE IS YES…indeed…..
and finally…..about prepositions on…IM NO HELP, I DONT KNOW WHAT A PREPOSITION IS ABOUT…and what are prepositions used…for…and where do you put them…so when writing a sentence a preposition goes on the inside…in a sentence i will continue to use them throughout..:p well, beings that our PC is being as stupid as….umm, yeah….we are going to go..its past our bedtime and we want to beat all the drunk machismo guats to the streets….NICE MEETING YOU…carlos…you missed you..are…
1. You are right about Excalibur. Its the name of King Aurthurs sword, not to be confused with that ant eater Aurthur.
2. I’d like to see a column that features a lot of boobs.
3. What?
Let me get this straight. You ordered call girls? Arent they like prostitutes or something? Well I hope you didn’t loose your fortune in Vegas. By the way, you wouldn’t happen to have been in Vegas the same week Howard Stern was would you? I think you guys were going around the same time.
PS. Boobs.