
This is a Anti-forward.

From now on, whenever you read a message that is forwarded, you are not allowed to forward it under the penalty of forced entry to an orifice you’d prefer remain closed.

If you ever decide that the forward is worth forwarding, are unwilling to break the chain for fear of said forward, or are just a jerk you must heretoforth clearly mark the subject with the words “forward” or “fwd.” Failure to do so will result in all of your hair falling out and your friends to call you Bootsie.

And you shall never, and I mean NEVER hide a forward in a bulletin in myspace. Under penalty of… let’s say death.

This is not dedicated to anyone in particular (Hi Haley), it’s just a sum of everything that bothers me about forwards. If it’s a good message, people will forward it themselves, if they don’t, then it wasn’t worth forwarding in the first place.

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