Ouch. This quiz courtesy of Master Monk. My sympathies to anyone who tries to answer this quiz without contradicting him/herself. I’m thinking it’s impossible.
Is Jesus a separate entity manifested by God or is he God personified? Explain.
If they are separate, why did God create and send Jesus to sacrifice himself? If they are one in the same, why would God essentially sacrifice/kill himself?
How does this sacrifice have to do with redemption of human sin?
God’s Characteristics
What is God’s attitude towards sin?
Is God omniscient (meaning he knows everything about what was, what is, and what will be)?
Is God omnipotent (meaning does he have unlimited powers of creation and control)?
Is God perfect in every way?
Can God think?
Can God change his “mind”?
Does God have a personality?
Does God look like a human in heaven or is he invisible/formless?
Did God will this universe into existence?
God and Time
Did God take a certain amount of time to create the earth or was it instantaneous?
What did God do before creating the universe?
Is God completely outside of universal time?
Does a separate time go forward in his realm/dimension of heaven, but everyone is immortal there?
Has God always existed?
Can God keep recalling further back into his own time and never come to an endpoint?
God/Human Connection and Free Will
Does God intervene in mortal affairs?
Why do bad things happen on earth such as tsunamis, disease, starvation, and genocide?
Do you believe in prayer?
Does God answer prayers?
Do miracles occur?
Do you have free will or were your choices preordained by God?
Does God have a plan?
Does he actively interact with mortal affairs to further this plan?
Is it possible to go against God’s plan?
Why does God want to be worshiped?
Does God have free will?
Good/Bad and Heaven/Hell
Is morality subjective or objective? Explain.
Does God dictate everything – meaning does he dictate what is good/righteous, bad/evil, just/unjust, etc?
Euthyphro’s Dilemma: Is something good because it is proclaimed ‘good’ by God, or is it proclaimed ‘good’ by God because it is good?
Does heaven exist? If so, what exactly is its purpose and what does one DO there forever?
Does hell exist? If so, what tortures are there and for whom?
Are people preordained to go to heaven/hell or is it solely the result of their choices?
Does God send people to hell for not believing in him as he is described within the bible?
Biblical Accuracy
Was the flood global or local? Where did the rain water come from? Explain how Noah built a boat large enough to harbor everything he allegedly did.
Why did God put the tree of knowledge within reach of Adam and Eve?
Did Satan wage a war against heaven?
Did Satan tempt Eve into eating the fruit?
Why did God create Satan?
Why did God create human beings?
Was the Garden of Eden on earth or in heaven?
Is the bible completely the word of God?
Give one piece of hard, scientific evidence that Jesus existed.
It’s very easy to answer these questions without contradicting oneself. The answer to all these questions is that they are loaded questions : the term “God” means absolutely nothing.