
In an unrelated topic, it seems that today was barely the first time someone noticed that I’d stopped writing the iep‘s. Twice before this, someone’d mentioned that they read them, but for such avid fans, not a one ‘fore my friend Jessy noticed that I’d totally stopped writing them.

That makes me sad in the pants.

This contest, however, makes me happy… in the pants.

p.s. the longer you blog, the more self-referrential your posts can be.
p.p.s. I might not do a written post for a good three days. I’m, er, going on a trip. But you’re sworn to secrecy until Saturday. Pass it on.
p.p.p.s. Actually, don’t. That defeats the purpose.


  1. I noticed you stopped writing them, but I thought you were too busy with the Pix Capacitor and your blog to write them. That’s too bad because I wanted to keep reading that pirate story; I love pirates!

  2. Arr.. I was, I truly was. I apologize. But to be fair, I didn’t feel as if they were being appreciated. I guess I’m just an admiration whore like that… 🙂 Oh, well. Perhaps in two years time I’ll restart them and keep ’em going for ever and ever.

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