On Rock & Roll:
“Madonna Dahmer?! Are you nuts? He’s Totally Twisted, Jason! That concert is no place for any Christian to be!”
On Pornography:
“1: Has your dad really been in jail?
2: Just overnight… He got picked up once with a 16-year-old girl… He was accused of date rape another time… But he got off… He hasn’t had much luck with women! First Mom left him, then my step mom, then…”
On homosexuality:
“‘Gay’ is only a political correctness ‘code word’ for condoning homosexuality… Just as ‘pro-choice’ is for abortion supporters! I won’t use those deceptive terms no matter how often the liberal media tries to reinforce them! Look, hating homosexuals is wrong, but so is embracing homosexuality as normal behavior! Many people are being deceived into thinking that it displays a warm love for our fellow man! Instead it’s a symptom of our chilly lack of love for God! The Bible is clear about this!”
On sex:
“Rhino– Marcy– you couldn’t make any better choice than to be ‘receivers‘ of the Lord Jesus Christ!”
On abortion:
“I keep seeing the babies– all the babies– I-I’m dying– And… and the babies… are dying, too.. dying… Oh, Rosa, I’ve been so foolish… {Koff!} Why didn’t I see or value the Importance of Life {Koff!} Until now… When I’m losing my own… ? I see them– their little lifeless faces– they were all alive and I… I killed them! Oh, my dear God, what have I Done?!”
On evolution:
“Didn’t you know that evolution is basically a Racist concept? Some evolutionists still teach that white people evolved from ‘negroes’ who evolved from apes– meaning White people are more evolved!”
“See these flowers? What amazing intricacies and symmetries in them! You really believe they were created by mere chance? If we were at an art museum and saw a painting of these flowers, you’d be convinced there was a painter who painted it… Why is it you can’t look at the flowers themselves and say there must be an intelligent designer who created them? Why can’t you look at the artifacts in this museum and conclude there must be a creator who is behind it all?”
On school violence:
“No disrespect intended, sir– but when prayer was in school, guns were not! When Bibles were in school, bullets were not! The answer to school violence is Jesus Christ!”
On drugs, drunkenness, and peer pressure:
“One night at a keg beer party I was offered a marijuana joint. The acceptance of this new group of kids seemed to fill a painful void in my life.”
“Hey everybody, he’s cool!”
The onlay hope fawr America is Jaysus!