I know a good number of you (1) will think I’ve sold out, but I am hereby cancelling all active pranks on all unfounded accusers. No sense pranking somebody who’s trying to apologize.. And besides, I hate negative feelings. Erica is my friend again. And not the type of friend where I mysteriously leave our the ‘r’ and hope everyone catches it, either. Actually, come to think of it, I only do that to my bother and D ew.
But yeah. Go “era of good feelings!” I like people. All types of people. Including people that are different than me.
… wait. I take that back. I don’t like anyone who’s different than me.
Hello Ca los. Actually, I don’t understand the ritual, but I’ll just fall back to the golden rule of teh old testament “Treat others the way they treat you.” I’ve been arting. It’s all shit, but I’ll promote it anyways. Broken Link will take you there. (Gallery and Scraps) after that. Sleepy, the quearter ends tomorrow, so, I’ll see you next quarter Pix.
Well then Drew, you don’t follow that rule at all. Break your own rules…