Apparently, my blog automatically sends comments to moderation if they have a few key words. It’s really a nice feature, but if the words are hidden, the chances of real people getting pinned for moderation drastically increase.
The list, should you care to be an ass and make me moderate your next few comments, is as follows:
- -online
- 4u
- adipex
- advicer
- ambien
- baccarrat
- blackjack
- bllogspot
- booker
- byob
- car-rental-e-site
- car-rentals-e-site
- carisoprodol
- casino
- casinos
- chatroom
- christ
- cialis
- credit-report-4u
- cwas
- cyclen
- cyclobenzaprine
- dating-e-site
- day-trading
- debt-consolidation-consultant
- drug
- discreetordering
- duty-free
- dutyfree
- equityloans
- fioricet
- flowers-leading-site
- freenet-shopping
- freenet
- gambling
- god
- health-insurancedeals-4u
- homeequityloans
- homefinance
- holdem
- holdempoker
- holdemsoftware
- holdemtexasturbowilson
- hotel-dealse-site
- hotele-site
- hotelse-site
- incest
- insurance-quotesdeals-4u
- insurancedeals-4u
- jesus
- jrcreations
- levitra
- loan
- macinstruct
- mortgage-4-u
- mortgagequotes
- online-gambling
- onlinegambling-4u
- ottawavalleyag
- ownsthis
- palm-texas-holdem-game
- paxil
- penis
- pharmacy
- phentermine
- poker
- poker-chip
- poze
- rental-car-e-site
- roulette
- sex
- fuck
- shemale
- shoes
- slot-machine
- slot
- soma
- steve
- taboo
- teen
- texas-holdem
- thorcarlson
- top-site
- top-e-site
- tramadol
- trim-spa
- ultram
- valeofglamorganconservatives
- viagra
- vioxx
- xanax
- zolus
Don’t ask me. I didn’t make the list… except for the parts I did. 🙂
So you DO still update this thing?
A href!
Yes, Rob. Yes, I do. Why do you ask?