A fool says what he knows, a wise man hugs lots of people and charts the rate, frequency and amount in an easy to read area or line graph to display his non-scientific results to his friends and blog readers.
—Yiddish proverb
For six months now I’ve had a secret Moleskine in which I’ve jotted down information, as if at random. I have only shown this notebook to one person because I was afraid my results might be compromised. Now that the project is over, I can finally reveal what it was.
I’ve been taking notes of people I’ve hugged, including when, who, how, what type of hug, and why it was given.
Then I made these nifty charts to show the world. There are only two notes for the charts that explain the sudden spikes: On August 18 and this past Sunday, I said goodbye to some members of my family. The hug totals for those days were 53 from 3 people and 50 from 10, respectively. Also about 40 of the final hugs occurrd at 7 p.m., thus explaining a full half of my 7 p.m. hugs all year.
Hugs counted as part of the hour if they were given from H-15 to H+45 minutes of the hour. Thus, a 11:46 hug and a 12:44 hug both counted as a 12 o’clock hug.
I kept meticulous notes for most days, with my memory only failing on days I received more than 20 hugs. I tried to be as accurate as I could for those days, but really it’s mostly guesswork.
I hug relatives the most (because it’s expected and we rarely see each other, but mostly because I have really awesome cousins). I also hug mostly in the evening, with the peak being around 11 p.m. I rarely hug in the morning because I’m usually asleep, but there is also a 2 p.m. dip for some reason. Usually, when I am at home as part of my routine, I get no hugs. But I break my routine often. Any questions? Suggestions for future projects? 1 Comments?
Today, I am thankful for…………………… did I already say friends? How about projects? Hugs? Reality? Whatever, I’m thankful for something.
- I’m thinking of reading my weight in books ala Lauren E-C, but I weigh a heck of a lot more than she does, so I don’t know… [↩]
have enough time on your hands much? 😉