Hugs by the day

Super Secret Project of Mystery!!

A fool says what he knows, a wise man hugs lots of people and charts the rate, frequency and amount in an easy to read area or line graph to display his non-scientific results to his friends and blog readers.

—Yiddish proverb

For six months now I’ve had a secret Moleskine in which I’ve jotted down information, as if at random. I have only shown this notebook to one person because I was afraid my results might be compromised. Now that the project is over, I can finally reveal what it was.



Hugs by the day


Hugs by the hour

I’ve been taking notes of people I’ve hugged, including when, who, how, what type of hug, and why it was given.

Then I made these nifty charts to show the world. There are only two notes for the charts that explain the sudden spikes: On August 18 and this past Sunday, I said goodbye to some members of my family. The hug totals for those days were 53 from 3 people and 50 from 10, respectively. Also about 40 of the final hugs occurrd at 7 p.m., thus explaining a full half of my 7 p.m. hugs all year.


Hugs counted as part of the hour if they were given from H-15 to H+45 minutes of the hour. Thus, a 11:46 hug and a 12:44 hug both counted as a 12 o’clock hug.

I kept meticulous notes for most days, with my memory only failing on days I received more than 20 hugs. I tried to be as accurate as I could for those days, but really it’s mostly guesswork.


I hug relatives the most (because it’s expected and we rarely see each other, but mostly because I have really awesome cousins). I also hug mostly in the evening, with the peak being around 11 p.m. I rarely hug in the morning because I’m usually asleep, but there is also a 2 p.m. dip for some reason. Usually, when I am at home as part of my routine, I get no hugs. But I break my routine often. Any questions? Suggestions for future projects? 1  Comments?

Today, I am thankful for…………………… did I already say friends? How about projects? Hugs? Reality? Whatever, I’m thankful for something.

  1. I’m thinking of reading my weight in books ala Lauren E-C, but I weigh a heck of a lot more than she does, so I don’t know… []

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