Month: April 2008

A compliment greater than which nothing can be conceived, an insult like they just aborted said compliment

45. I don’t know if I’ve ever bought my own clothes. I’ve bought dress shirts in the past five years, but other than that, most of my clothes are just gifts, give-aways, or old clothes my mom gave me. ((What I mean is my mom still buys me clothes. Fine!)) A while ago, after seeing…

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AIM Transcripts II: How to screw with a person’s sanity

44. I’ve driven across the country 8 times. On 7 of those occasions, I had nobody accompany me. Several of those trips involved 12 hours of driving or more at any given time. Four were all in one go. It is a mind-altering experience to spend 33 solid hours driving. I wasn’t the same person…

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Video Killed the Radio Star

43.  I type in the Dvorak keyboard. I taught myself how a few months ago and haven’t looked back (or down) since. But let’s rewind: Talking killed the grunting star Writing killed the talking star Printing press killed the meticulous monk painstakingly transcribing the bible star Newspaper killed the pamphlet star Telephone killed the fine…

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The other, other closet

42. When I was 14, I began my own “Newsletter.” I did it because blogs didn’t exist yet, I didn’t have an Internet connection, I was underage, and I wanted to make people laugh. So I created a four-page document that eventually became a 12-page biweekly viewspaper. It was eventually called the Pix Capacitor… just…

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My talents are wasted here

41. I didn’t start listening to music until I was in high school. Before that, I honestly could not have told you the difference between rock and rap, classical and metal. (Name wise, I probably could have identified them with some practice.) I mean, I was lame. I’m still not much of a music listener,…

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Phrases that could end political careers

40.  No matter where I go, I always have to carry something with me, usually in the form of a binder, book, or backpack.  When I was a kid, I used to carry two books everywhere: in case i was ever trapped anywhere and finished one.  That never happened.  Now I carry three: just in…

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