18. I once memorized pi to 1000 places. Actually, that’s not true, I memorized 20 places, then started making up numbers. Surprisingly, nobody called me on it.
In the hopes of writing a slightly different post that the last one like this, I’ve decided to screw with anybody who might find a portion of this post on a search engine. Basically, I want to viciously misrepresent my site so that they think they’re going to read an article that’s way different than this. Just go with it, you’ll get it eventually.
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- ayshea quintana Ayshea Quintana should get whatever job she’s applying for. She probably deserves it, although I’ve never really met her. Still: good first name.
- “tooth fairy” wisdom tooth | teeth amount | “how much” Scientists say that not giving your child more than $20 per tooth is a sign that you don’t love them. Also, in a Harvard study, linked to below, there was a direct, causal correlation between increased money giving and the child’s IQ.
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p.s. I totally didn’t realize today was pi day. The fact was unrelated, but eerily appropriate. Happy pi day!
That’s hilarious! I wanted to do this too but I’ve got nothing to track the weird google searches to my sites.