I, Rule (part IV)

(Please note that as Sim Pixelonia’s leaders grow and learn. Here is part I, here is part II, and here is part III)

Welcome back to Sim Pixelonia. Today we will continue our discussion on the economy and move on to government and foreign policy.

Pixelonia has a mandatory maximum wage. There is no minimum wage, but the de facto minimum is what people are willing to work for, which is sufficient.

Trade is taxed relative to the nature of the country of origin’s human rights and environmental record. Tax money acquired from trade with, say China, would then be donated to human rights and environmental charities, thus promoting an equal playing field for all countries.

Voting is an odd affair, as one can vote for or against a candidate. If you vote for, you are allowed a ‘second choice’ vote, which will only count if your first choice does not pass 15% of the votes. This system means that third parties are both viable and effective. Furthermore, it means that every person running for office will attempt to secure the most positive votes and fewest negative votes.

Politicians are viciously fact checked by reporters and government offices, ensuring that elected officials speak the whole truth. Every year, citizens can vote to recall a politician from office. Usually this is only a nominal endeavor with few people voting, but sometimes it can lead to a recall of a widely corrupt or incompetent political figure.

Our bicameral legislature is composed of the Senate, which is composed of highly educated elected officials from various parts of the country, and the People, which is simply every person. Interested parties can propose and track bills, vote for and against them, and organize via a secure online Web site. This makes for a very fluid democracy, which would be devastating in other countries, but is not in Pixelonia because of the highly educated nature of our populace.

Religion is freely accepted, but barred from government intervention. In Pixelonia, the wall between church and state has a moat, drawbridge, and trolls.

Our ‘open borders‘ allow anybody who can pass a psychological test, intelligence test, and background check into the country temporarily. Once in the country, the immigrants must spend a predetermined amount of time in service (working for the government or volunteering in some fashion) before they are allowed a path to citizenship. This does not apply to foreign nationals who wish to simply visit, attend university, or be sponsored for work.

Pixelonia is an advocate for world peace. Political figures travel far and wide to negotiate economic and political settlements.

Pixelonia has goals, some of which are short term, but many of which are long term. These goals are continuously updated as the civilization grows.

One comment

  1. I pledge allegiance to Pixelonia, so long as it remains an effective and not simulated sovereignty, under the general terms of Locke’s notion of a social contract, excepting dogmatic or oversimplified perspectives, for any and all.

    *Mantra subjected to change, by its very nature.*

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