She can handle herself, she’s a big girl. Yes, . . . She is. Related posts: I don’t have a team I like, so I’m just going to root for the even-numbered players. Q: What did one Witzelsucht patient say to the other? A: I’m sick of puns. Prelim defense in 11 hours. I think I have mono, which seems like it might be ripe for jokes, but my brain is too single-tracked right now to come up with any. Tags# aside# tweet Previous Post What's this? Why is it all going over me? Could it be that I am in over my head? Next Post Quact Leave a ReplyCancel ReplyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Name * Email * Website Add Comment * Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.Post Comment Δ
I wanna see a putting the team back together montage, but it turns out that everyone but the main character have been hanging out the entire timeSeptember 22, 2022